Anole Annals Announces Photo Contest Winners

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Anole Annals Announces Photo Contest Winners

Winners appear in the 2018 Anole Annals Calendar.

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The Anole Annals Photo Contest received a lot of great photos of one of the reptile community’s favorite lizards, the anoles.

The winning photo, a shot by Thijs van den Burg, shows the beauty of Anolis conspersus. Second place went to Gregor Weidlich, who captured a beautiful Anolis oculatus montanus.

The complete list of 12 winning photos are in the 2018 Anolis Annals calendar.

Here are the winners and the Anolis lizard they captured.

  • Anolis conspersus, Thijs van den Burg
  • Anolis oculatus montanus, Gregor Weidlich
  • Anolis luteogularis, Thijs van den Burg
  • Anolis carolinensis, Nick Herrmann
  • Anolis huilae, Cristian Castro Morales
  • Anolis allisoni, Arnaud Badiane
  • Anolis wattsi. Geoffrey Giller
  • Anolis allogus, Thijs van den Burg
  • Anolis porcatus, Jesús Reina Carvajal
  • Anolis nubilus, Colin Donihue
  • Anolis grahami, Nathan Wright
  • Anolis porcatus, Arnaud Badiane

The Anole Annals covers the Anolis lizards and features a section where those who spot anoles in the wild are encouraged to report their sightings on the website. There is also section on recently published scientific papers on Anoles.

The site is written and edited by scientists who study the little reptiles, disseminating the latest scientific research on Anolis lizards. If you’d like to order a 2018 Anolis Annals calendar, visit The Anole Annals Zazzle page here