In just five years, In Situ Ecosystems has built and outfitted terrariums that are designed to enable you to easily create rainforest habitats. [...]
American Toad Care And History
If you’ve lived in the United States long enough, chances are that you’ve been greeted by hopping, warty friends on rainy days during warmer months [...]
Care and Breeding Fire-bellied Toads
Fire-bellied toads are not true toads, but rather are frogs that average about 1.5 to 3.5 inches (4 to 9 cm) in length. [...]
Zoo Med Large Double Door Paludarium Review
The Zoo Med Large Double Door Paludarium is a stunning display piece and makes for a stand-out addition to any reptile or aquarium room. [...]
Gut Loading Feeder Insects And Why It’s Important
There is a difference between feeding the insects for your reptile’s nutrition and feeding the insects for their nutrition. [...]
Breeding Red-Eyed Treefrogs
In their natural habitat, red-eyed treefrogs breed during the rainy season, which occurs from late May through November. [...]
Axolotl Breeding
Seasonal changes in temperature and day length will usually cause axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) to breed in late winter and early spring. [...]
Boreal Toad Tadpoles Discovered At Colorado Reintroduction Site
The toad has experienced decline due to factors such as the chytrid fungus, which is devastating amphibian populations around the world. [...]
Critically Endangered Gigantes Limestone Frog Successfully Bred For First Time In Captivity
Project Palaka announced the frogs began hatching October 17. Currently there are 21 neonates and all are voracious eaters. Photo by Project Palaka [...]
Researchers Discover Australian Barred Frog Species In New South Wales
Mixophyes australis is closely related to Mixophyes balbus, the Stuttering Frog [...]
Ormat Technologies Sues USFWS Over Dixie Valley Toad Listing
The toad is the smallest toad within the western toad species complex and was only recently described by science in 2017 [...]
New Leptobrachella Frog Species Discovered In China
Leptobrachella verrucosa is found in rocky streams with clear water surrounded by broad-leaved forests. [...]
Cane Toad Tadpoles In Australia Cannibalize Younger Tadpoles
Researchers in Australia have discovered an interesting trait in invasive cane toad (Rhinella marina) tadpoles in Australia not seen in their native S [...]
Frog Species Not Seen Since 1902 Rediscovered In Chile
Based on Germain’s publications and historical documents, the researchers reconstructed a route that they believe Germain could have taken in an effor [...]
Treefrog Species From Ecuador Discovered and Described
The frog is named after David C. Cannatella, Dean of the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Texas at Austin. Cannatella collected [...]
33 Endangered Darwin’s Frogs Born at London Zoo
The frog, Rhinoderma darwinii, which is also known as the Southern Darwin's frog, was discovered by Charles Darwin during a trip to Chile. [...]
Sierra Nevada Yellow Legged Frog Can Persist In Bd Infected Areas
The researchers say the resistance they have observed in the frog may be due to natural selection for more resistant genotypes, acquired immunity and [...]
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