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New York Proposes Recovery Plan For Northern Cricket Frog

There are just three populations of the northern cricket frog in New York.

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The northern cricket frog (Acris crepitans) is an endangered species and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has put forth a recovery plan to bolster its population in the state. The frog, one of two endangered amphibians in the state is limited to just three breeding populations in the southeastern portion of New York, and the department is hoping that its recovery plan will be approved to help bolster its populations.



"The northern cricket frog is a historic resident of New York State and represents an important amphibian component of wetland ecosystems," Commissioner Joe Martens said is a statement released by the DEC. "Conservation of the northern cricket frog and its habitat is important to preserving New York's biodiversity and unique character. The plan aims to improve the frog's geographic diversity and ultimately increase its population."

The plan includes plans to protect and proficiently manage the remaining norhtern cricket frog populations and habitats, identify areas that are suitable for the frog to live in and colonize these sites, research data gaps in the conservation biology of the frog that will help bolster their recovery, and develop and support partnerships to help with the recovery of the frog.

The draft plan is now open for comment through February 21, 2014. Any interested individuals or parties with questions or comments can send them to  Gregg Kenney, NYSDEC, 21 South Putt Corners Road, New Paltz, NY 12561, phone (845) 256-3098 or emailed to R3wildlife@gw.dec.state.ny.us. Use "Northern cricket frog" in the subject line.

Want to Learn More About the Northern Cricket Frog?

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The northern cricket frog belongs to the treefrog family, yet is an aquatic species and is one of the state's smallest vertebrates. It is not a very good climber.  It is also one of the longest jumpers for its size, capable of jumping five to six feet in a single bound.  They average just an inch in length with the male smaller than the female and come in a variety of colorations, and patterns, including combinations of black, yellow, orange, and red on a green or brown base. It is called a cricket frog because its call, or trill, sounds like a cricket.