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What This Guy Found in His Beer Will Gross You Out

Man in Zimbabwe finds dead lizard in his beer.

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This story has got to gross you out. A man in Zimbabwe was throwing down a few with friends at a bar in Emganwini town when he noticed an unidentified rotting lizard floating in his beer container, according to Bulawayo24 News.



"I was drinking Scud as usual at Prospect Bottle Store at around 4.30 p.m. in Emganwini with my drinking mates. I usually don't like sharing my beer so I had the whole container to myself. I could smell a different reek from the container but I ignored it," said Chinaka.


"When I had almost finished the beer I felt that the container was still a bit heavy and I decided to offload all its contents into my mouth. I jumped in shock when I saw a dead lizard in my mouth as I held the container."

According to the news report Amos Chinaka, 49 threw up and later got sick after nearly downing the dead rotting reptile. Chinaka told the news site that he was disappointed that Delta Beverages, the maker of the beer, known locally as Scud, has apparently not addressed contamination issues with their products. He complained to the bartender who notified the Delta Beverages representative, but Chinaka was not able to meet with the beer rep because he had to go to work. He said he wants to go to the hospital but has no money and wants Delta to pay for it. 

Responses in the story's comments section were equally negative toward Delta Beverages, with some pointing out that everything from condoms to feminine hygiene products have been found in the company's Scud beer containers, which are apparently reused.

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John B. Virata currently keeps a ball python, two corn snakes, a king snake, and two leopard geckos. His first snake, a California Kingsnake, was purchased at the Pet Place in Westminster, CA for $5.