The frog is named after David C. Cannatella, Dean of the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Texas at Austin. Cannatella collected type specimens of the new species, the researchers wrote.
A new species of treefrog of the Dendropsophus leucophyllatus group has been discovered and described in the journal Evolutionary Systematics. Researchers P. Doménica Aguirre, Katherine Apunte, Santiago R. Ron of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador describe the new species. The frog, Cannatella’s treefrog or Ranita de Cannatella in Spanish (Dendropsophus cannatellai) was found in Ecuador in several different provinces in the country.

Metamorph, juvenile and subadults of Dendropsophus cannatellai sp. nov. Dorsolateral views of individuals raised in captivity in Balsa de los Sapos. From left to right, first row: QCAZA l 78576 (total length = 23.27 mm); QCAZA n 79747 (SVL = 11.57 mm); second row: (18.46 mm); (19.59 mm); third row: (19.38 mm); (17.89 mm). All subadults approximately 1 year old since hatching. Photo by P. Doménica Aguirre, Katherine Apunte, Santiago R. Ron.
It was assigned to the Dendropsophus genus based on its phylogeny. The frog has a snout to vent length of 23.4 mm in males and 30.7mm in females; reduced webbing on its fingers and webbing on its feet. Its back is brown in coloration with white to bright yellow dorsolateral bands.
Cannatella’s treefrog is different from other frogs in the genus that aren’t in the D. leucophyllatus group due to the presence of two pectoral glands. It is most closely related to D. gryllatus and D. ebraccatus.
Cannatella’s Treefrog Found In Ecuador
The researchers note that Cannatella’s treefrog is found in the Western Foothill Forest and the Choco Tropical Rainforest of Northwest Ecuador and is also believed to be found in Southwest Colombia based on evidence of the species near the border with Colombia and records on iNaturalist, (observation numbers 147931034 in Tumaco, Nariño, and 36196673 in San Andrés de Tumaco) the researchers wrote in their paper.
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It lives in warm and humid locations with average temperatures ranging between 72 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit (22.5 to 25.4 degrees Celsius) at elevations between 1035 to 3348m elevation with average annual rainfall. The Chocó Tropical Rainforest has an elevation from 0 to 300 meters. It is also rich in tree cover and has an abundance of ferns in the area. Cannatella’s treefrog was found in open areas created by man, near ponds and puddles with abundant herbaceous vegetation, the researchers wrote.
Average clutch sizes in captivity under shaded conditions were 84 and 98 under unshaded conditions. The females laid eggs both in water and out of water. It is listed as Near Threatened under the IUCN Red List as most populations are located on disturbed and deforested areas near roads. The researchers also noted that Dendropsophus cannatellai apparently thrives in habitats modified by humans such as cow pastures and and ponds in artificial open areas.

Life coloration of Dendropsophus cannatellai sp. nov. First and third rows, dorsolateral views; second and fourth, ventral views. From left to right, first and second rows: QCAZ 51877 (SVL = 22.26 mm, male); QCAZ 78809 (SVL = 33.61 mm, female); QCAZ 55558 (SVL = 21.96 mm, male); third and fourth rows: QCAZ 40847 (holotype; SVL = 22.32 mm, male); QCAZ 78812 (SVL = 25.86 mm, male); QCAZ 78813 (SVL = 24.94 mm, male). See type series for locality data. All specimens are shown at the same scale. Photo by P. Doménica Aguirre, Katherine Apunte, Santiago R. Ron
The frog is named after David C. Cannatella, Dean of the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Texas at Austin. Cannatella collected type specimens of the new species, the researchers wrote.
The complete paper, “Systematics of the Dendropsophus leucophyllatus species group (Anura, Hylidae) from the Chocó region of Ecuador, with description of a new species” can be read on the Evolutionary Systematics website.