
Three-toed Box Turtle Care Sheet Archived Comments

My 3 toed box turtle was found on a busy highway 2 days ago....she's about 3" long. I feel like she knows my voice already:) she ate 2 pieces of a ban

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My 3 toed box turtle was found on a busy highway 2 days ago….she’s about 3″ long. I feel like she knows my voice already:) she ate 2 pieces of a banana, and 1 fly this morning. But, I’m kinda thinking she should be set free?
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 8, 2019 12:09 PM

““before committing to a pet that can live 40 to 50 years.
Get it out if the water your killing it and bring it back to were you got it. Your not smart enough to take care if it.”

You’re retarded. Gtfo
Posted by Anonymous, May 4, 2019 01:18 AM

Baby box turtles should have access to a shallow water dish as they are not great swimmers. Sounds like you are keeping the turtle in a flat surface where it can’t flip back over because of smooth surface. My babies are kept in a 32 qt plastic container with a hand towel laid out to walk on and they can flip themselves back over. I have a pile of leaves at one end for them to hide in. They have a shallow, easy in & out water dish. They are raised in container for 2 years and placed in an outdoor wooden pen, 4 ft x 2 ft x 12″H w/wood frame chicken wire top and hinged to box. They are raised in the box until big enough to completely close up and placed in outdoor pen with adults.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 14, 2019 11:11 PM

We have (had) 2 three toed boxturtles. One just died. They are approaching 40 years old or so. I guess that’s a long time and perhaps it was inevitable. The other one is quite healthy. I usually feed them thawed out frozen mixed veggies, salad greens and cat food both dry and wet. The wet cat food is new. They seemed to gobble it up. They live outdoors in a fenced pen maybe 4’x25’. I hope I didn’t do anything wrong.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 21, 2018 05:27 PM

“Box Turtles are exactly that, turtles. They are NOT tortoises. The three-toed box turtle (Terrapene carolina triunguis) is a subspecies of the eastern or common box turtle (T. c. carolina). They are members of the American Pond Turtle family (Emydidae). They look like tortoises, but they are not, even though they do spend most of their lives on land they are commonly found around lakes & do spend time in the water. They have the same hydration requirements as most turtles so please ignore the comment from the “”anonymous”” person claiming they should not be put in water. They absolutely should be kept hydrated, humidity is critical to their health and ours spends a good chunk of her summers in her pool. I live in Arkansas where they are native, and ours is one we caught eating the neighbor’s flowers one evening.

Posted by Solstice, Nov 26, 2018 12:07 PM

“Box turtles are tortoises do some research before committing to a pet that can live 40 to 50 years.
Get it out if the water your killing it and bring it back to were you got it. Your not smart enough to take care if it.
Posted by Anonymous, May 16, 2018 09:05 AM

I’ve had my three toed box turtle for three days now. My husband and I thought it died on two occasions because it was floating on it’s back. Is this normal baby turtle behavior?
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 27, 2018 01:20 PM

Posted by Anonymous, Jul 3, 2016 02:10 AM