Tag: rat snake
Two-headed Western Rat Snake Undergoes Surgery To Remove Ovaries
Tiger-lily underwent a successful surgery March 11. She won't be on display for the month until she fully recovers [...]
Two-Headed Western Rat Snake Makes Temporary Debut At Missouri’s Powder Valley Nature Center
The two-headed snake was found by a family in 2017 who donated it to the Shepherd of the Hills Conservation Center. [...]
Rat Snake Hitches Ride On Politician Adam Kinzinger’s Plane
Kinzinger took four photos of the rat snake near the wheel chocks of his plane, and it is quite a beautiful specimen. [...]
Alabama Police Remove Snake From Toilet
The comments are hilarious. "Wish I could get my toilet that clean." "That toilet is freaking spotless!" said another commenter. [...]

Man Saves Fawn From Black Rat Snake
The snake was also wrapped around the fawn's legs, but not around its neck completely when he happened upon the encounter. [...]
Vietnamese Rat Snake Found In California Man’s Couch
Vietnamese blue beauty rat snakes are of the family Colubridae and are a semi-arboreal species native to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. [...]
Escaped Rat Snake Found In Junk Drawer
The staff at the center looked high and low, to no avail until yesterday when the snake was found in the center's hardware drawer. [...]
Two-headed Rat Snake Finds Home At Catawba Science Center In NC
A woman in Taylorsville, NC had twice the surprise last month when a two-headed rat snake (Elaphe sp.) crawled into her home. Jeannie Wilson captured [...]

Texas Rat Snake Care Sheet
Updated January 30, 2023
Texas Rat Snake (Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri)
Texas rat snakes are long, slender snakes found in a wide variety of habi [...]
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