Tag: lizard care

Captive Care For Leopard Geckos
Although they are often described as a beginner species, leopard geckos require specifically tailored care to keep them healthy and thriving. [...]
4 Care Tips to Help Your Gecko Thrive
From beginning pet owners to experienced reptile keepers, geckos make great companions. [...]

Basilisk Lizard Information And Care
Kept properly, a basilisk lizard may add a new wrinkle to your reptile keeping hobby. [...]

African Fire Skink Care Sheet
The African fire skink is quite active and full of personality when housed properly. [...]

Desert Iguana Care Sheet
The desert iguana can be very hardy in captivity if given proper care. [...]

Frilled Lizard Care Sheet
The frilled lizard is world-famous for its impressive defensive display. Keep in mind when keeping them, though, that getting your pets to do this str [...]
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