Tag: diamondback terrapin
ALERT: Diamondback Terrapin ESA Listing
The species has a large range from Cape Cod in Massachusetts through the Florida Keys and west along the Gulf Coast to the Corpus Christi area in Texa [...]

Florida FWC Denies Captive Breeding Request of Diamondback Terrapins
The proposal, put out by USARK Florida for commercial breeding of the species would have reduced pressure on wild populations. [...]
USARK Florida Proposes Captive Breeding of Diamondback Terrapins
USARK FL has sent its proposal to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, which may rule on the proposal. [...]
Florida Rule Prohibits Diamondback Terrapin Collection, Safer Blue Crab Traps
The rule also requires recreational blue crabbers to install turtle excluder devices in their traps. [...]
Two-headed Diamondback Terrapin Hatchling Doing Well At MA’s Cape Wildlife Center
A two-headed diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) that hatched in a head start nesting site in Barnstable, MA is doing well at the Cape Wildlife [...]
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