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Michigan Boy Seeks Return Of His Lost Tortoise

Spike went missing when he escaped his enclosure in Parchment, MI.

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A tortoise named Spike living in Parchment, MI has escaped his fenced yard and a 10-year-old Michigan boy who has cared for the tortoise since the boy was just 5 years old is hoping to get the tortoise back.

Spike the tortoise went missing/escaped from our parchment home Wednesday he was spotted at spring valley Park the same evening by several people some even took pictures with him,” Kelsey L Jansen wrote on Facebook.

“However he was removed between 7:00pm and 8:00pm( confirmed with the pet store on gull Rd) the man that found him was with his family and they said they were going to take him to the nature center or the pound I’ve contacted both with no luck… Please if you have him or know his whereabouts please contact me Kelsey L Jansen or Mark Dziewicki. This is our sons African sulcata tortoise and he is greatly missed!!”

Sulcata Tortoise Care Sheet

According to Fox 17 News, Spike’s family had learned via Facebook that a man and his family had went into a local pet store asking where they could drop off a tortoise that they had found, the pet store told them to drop the tortoise off either to a nature center of the animal pound.

“Found out from the pet store on Gull Road that they actually had a man in there with his family that was asking where to take him,” Logan’s mom, Kelsey told Fox 17 News.

When 10-year-old Logan Dziewicki and his family checked both places, they were told that no tortoise was turned in.

“We are kind of just looking to get the word out there to anybody that will listen and you know, we would love to have him home,” Kelsey said.

If you know the whereabouts of Spike, please contact Kelsey L Jansen via her Facebook page.