Escaped Rat Snake Found In Junk DrawerRat snakes are some of the most beautiful native snakes in the United States.

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Escaped Rat Snake Found In Junk Drawer

The staff at the center looked high and low, to no avail until yesterday when the snake was found in the center's hardware drawer.

The staff at the center looked high and low, to no avail until yesterday when the snake was found in the center's hardware drawer.

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A rat snake that escaped its enclosure more than three months ago at a nature center in Wisconsin has been found in a drawer of stuff. The Great Plains Nature Center wrote on its Facebook page November 15 that their rat snake “exploited a small weakness” in her enclosure and vanished. The staff at the center looked high and low, to no avail until yesterday when the snake was found in the center’s hardware drawer.

“She was pretty peckish when she turned back up, but she’s in good shape, the center wrote. “The ratsnake is now safe and sound in an improved enclosure and is definitely grounded for sneaking out.”

Some of the comments on the center’s Facebook page are good for a laugh or two!

Said Brenda Dietzman:
“An escaped snake that is found is noteworthy but you know what is newsworthy in this picture???? How neat and orderly you keep that tool drawer! Glad you found the snake and kudos to the organizer!”
Replied Ashley Lauren:
Brenda Dietzman even the snake looks organized

Said Loren Hack:
I once walked into my pantry, which shares its back wall with the garage. I looked down and there was a Ratsnake in striking pose 6 inches from my leg. It was one of the nearly black ones with its fake rattle. It was at least 3 feet long. Scared the hecks out of me. Had to put on 3 layers of jackets and gloves to grab it and take it out to the barn to kill rats for me.

To which Great Plains Nature Center replied:
Nice! Free pest control!

Rat snakes (Elaphe sp.) are some of the most beautiful native snakes in the United States. They are also some of the most widely captive-bred snakes and very popular in reptile keepers, especially for those new to reptilekeeping. Corn snakes (Elaphe guttata), which are also known as the red rat snake, are readily available and can be found at almost any big pet store or local reptile story. They are very inquisitive and come in a variety of colorations and morphs.