Connecticut Reptile Proposal

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Connecticut Reptile Proposal

Connecticut proposal outlines new rules on reptile possession.

Breeder’s Choice – Hognose Snake
Breeder's Choice: Morelia Viridis
Herper Headshotz – Desiree Wong

Connecticut’s Department of Environment Protection has proposed new regulations for the importation and possession of wild animals, including several large snakes. A public hearing on the matter is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2011.

As written, the proposal would classify wild animals into four categories. Category one includes large mammals, such as leopards and other large cats, bears, gorillas and wolves. Category two includes a number of large and small mammals, a few birds and some reptiles, including North African pythons, South African pythons, reticulated pythons, amethystine pythons, Bolivian anacondas, yellow and green anacondas and Gila monsters. Category three includes mainly small mammals and birds, as well as a few reptiles and amphibians, such as the spotted turtle, diamond-backed terrapin, wood frog and Eastern newt. A category four wild animal is defined as “any wild animal, and gametes listed as endangered, threatened, or of special concern according to state law.”

To view a complete list, click here.

Under the proposal, no one would be allowed to import or possess any category one wild animal, except for municipal parks, zoos, public nonprofit aquaria, nature centers, museums, exhibitors licensed or registered with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), laboratories registered with the USDA, or research facilities registered with the USDA.

No one would be allowed to import or possess any category two wild animal, except for municipal parks, zoos, marine mammal parks, aquaria, circuses, nature centers, museums, exhibitors, laboratories, research facilities, or veterinarians for the purposes of treatment and care.

No one would be allowed to import or export category three wild animals, except for zoos, aquaria, circuses, laboratories, research facilities, municipal parks, museums, nature centers, exhibitors, or schools, or as provided for pursuant to CGS sections.

A permit would be required to import, possess, or liberate any category four wild animals.

A public hearing on the proposal is scheduled for Feb. 15, 6:00 p.m., at the Department of Environmental Protection building in Hartford, Conn. The department is also accepting written comment until 4:30 p.m. on March 1.

For more information, click here.