Category: Snake Information & News
New Mud Snake Species Discovered In Vietnam
The researchers recommend the snake be called the Dak Krong mud snake, with the Vietnamese name is recommended to be “Rắn bồng đắk krông." [...]
Zilla QuickBuild Bioactive Terrarium Build
The latest offering from Zilla are the QuickBuild kits, which can be assembled in about 10 to 15 minutes. [...]
16-Foot Long Ancient Chinese Dragon Discovered In China
The reptile was originally identified in 2003, but the more complete fossil has given scientists a better understanding of what it looked like 240 mil [...]

Universal Venomous Snake Antivenin Could Be Within Reach
The researchers determined that their work with HIV could correlate with finding a universal antivenin. [...]

New Green Anaconda Species Discovered
Based on genetic data from four recognized anaconda species, the Northern green anaconda is a separate species from the Southern green anaconda. [...]
5 Beautiful Venomous Eyelash Pit Viper Snakes Of The Bothriechis Genus Described
The researchers include Alejandro Arteaga, R. Alexander Pyron, Abel Batista, Jose Vieira, Elson Meneses Pelayo, Eric N. Smith, César L. Barrio Amorós, [...]
Protecting Sea Turtle Nests From Predators Has Negative Effects On Terrestrial Reptiles
Beach erosion and the erection of fencing to prevent snakes from entering sea turtle nest areas caused the decline of lizard species on Orchid Island [...]
New Venomous Snake Species Of The Bungarus Genus Discovered In Thailand
The elapid snake was discovered in Ratchaburi Province in western Thailand. It hails from the Tenasserim Mountain Range. [...]
Adam Wickens of Wickens Wicked Reptiles
Knowledgeable and funny, Adam presents with a dynamic screen presence and his channel has since grown to more than 296,000 subscribers [...]
New Snail-eating Snake Of The Pareas Genus Discovered In China
The snakes in the study were found ion the Guanyinshan Provincial Nature Reserve in Yuanyang County, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. [...]
New Coffee Snake Species Discovered In Ecuador
The snake is often found in coffee plantations in areas in which its original habitat, cloud forests, have been removed and replaced by the plantation [...]
Two-Headed Western Rat Snake Makes Temporary Debut At Missouri’s Powder Valley Nature Center
The two-headed snake was found by a family in 2017 who donated it to the Shepherd of the Hills Conservation Center. [...]
Brian Barczyk, September 1969-January 2024
Barczyk was initially known for his ball python morphs and helped lay the groundwork for this species and their popularity amongst reptile keepers. [...]
New Asian Coral Snake Species Discovered In India
The researchers examined 36 adult specimens from Mizoram, India and Bangladesh and determined Sinomicrurus gorei is genetically and morphologically di [...]

USARK Benefit Auction and Reptile Super Show This Weekend
This show has it all and it is back in Pomona this weekend so head over to check out vendors from across the country [...]
USARK ALERT: Louisiana Herp Regulation Overhaul
Comment Information and deadline: The deadline to comment is Wednesday, March 6, 2024. [...]
New Species of Venomous Pit Viper Discovered In Myanmar
Trimeresurus ayeyarwadyensis was found to occur in the Yangon region's Hlawga Park and Pyapon and Myaungmya districts of Myanmar. [...]
Thieves Steal Red-Tailed Boa Constrictor From Massachusetts Petco
Thieves who steal snakes from pet stores will probably provide inadequate care for them and are most likely out to make a quick buck. [...]
Eastern Indigo Snake Hatchlings Found In Nature Conservancy’s Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve
The discovery of two wild-born Eastern indigo snake hatchlings is very encouraging. It indicates we are successfully reestablishing the species where [...]
Indian Rock Pythons Released 13 kilometers from Home Range Can Find Way Home
What the researchers found is that the female pythons have a smaller range, and larger individuals didn't have larger home ranges. [...]
European Venomous Snake Named Germany’s Reptile of the Year
Vipera berus, also known as the common adder, is threatened in Germany due to climate change. [...]
USARK Alert: Last NARBC of 2023 This weekend in St. Louis
FWS will be considering these species to be listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA): Bornean earless monitor lizard (Lanthanotus borneensis), bl [...]
Racer Snake Trapped In Fake Spider Web Saved at Florida’s Pelican Harbor Seabird Station
The snake was taken to the Pelican Harbor Seabird Station in Miami, FL, where staff worked to remove the fibers from the snake’s mouth and body. [...]
Oregon State University Gives Large Herp Collection To University of Michigan
Most of the Oregon State University specimens belong to two groups of snakes; garter snakes and water snakes; and two groups of salamanders comprised [...]