Category: Lizard Information & News
Researchers Discover New Kangaroo Lizard Species In India’s Western Ghats
Agasthyagama edge is named after the Zoological Society of London’s EDGE of Existence Program. [...]
Protecting Sea Turtle Nests From Predators Has Negative Effects On Terrestrial Reptiles
Beach erosion and the erection of fencing to prevent snakes from entering sea turtle nest areas caused the decline of lizard species on Orchid Island [...]
Wood Lizard Species Named After Heavy Metal Band Iron Maiden’s Lead Singer
The lizards were found in the Cordillera de Colán mountain range and the Río Marañón and Río Chiriaco basins in Peru. [...]
Plateau Spot-tailed Earless Lizard Is Not Endangered, USFWS Concludes
The lizard has been found in robust numbers across its native range. [...]
Adam Wickens of Wickens Wicked Reptiles
Knowledgeable and funny, Adam presents with a dynamic screen presence and his channel has since grown to more than 296,000 subscribers [...]
University of Bristol Student Discovers Ancient Flying Reptile
The animal, called Kuehneosaurus latus, is more closely related to crocodilians and dinosaurs than lizards.. [...]
11 Guatemalan Beaded lizards Hatched At Zoo Atlanta Arrive In Guatemala
Three male and eight female lizards will join an existing breeding colony at the Parque Zoológico Nacional La Aurora to help bolster wild populations [...]
Brian Barczyk, September 1969-January 2024
Barczyk was initially known for his ball python morphs and helped lay the groundwork for this species and their popularity amongst reptile keepers. [...]
Mexican Arboreal Alligator Lizard Species Described
Abronia cunemica sp. nov. is an arboreal lizard from the Northern Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. [...]

USARK ALERT: Washington Animal Program Ban
The bill prohibits any exhibition of animals that provide entertainment, which means even outreach and educational programs will be banned. [...]

USARK Benefit Auction and Reptile Super Show This Weekend
This show has it all and it is back in Pomona this weekend so head over to check out vendors from across the country [...]
New Agamid Species Discovered in Southern China, Northern Vietnam
The researchers conducted more than 13 years of fieldwork (2009 to 2022) on the specimen around Yunnan Province,Guangdong Province, Fujian Province, [...]
USARK ALERT: Louisiana Herp Regulation Overhaul
Comment Information and deadline: The deadline to comment is Wednesday, March 6, 2024. [...]

USARK: Lacey Act Amendments Included in House Report
Lacey Act amendments regarding injurious species are included in a report from the House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the Uni [...]
REPTA Announces Deleterious Genes Policy
The Reptile & Exotic Pet Trade Association in the United Kingdom has announced its Deleterious Genes Policy, a policy that implores its members in the [...]
SlitherSense Vivarium Monitoring System Review
Remote monitoring systems are the next step in herpetoculture and should definitely be considered by anyone serious about the welfare of their animal [...]
USARK Newsletter: Reptile Conservation with CrocFest
Like many reptiles, crocodilians are misunderstood but get vital help from a few dedicated people. [...]
USARK Alert: Last NARBC of 2023 This weekend in St. Louis
FWS will be considering these species to be listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA): Bornean earless monitor lizard (Lanthanotus borneensis), bl [...]
Lyon’s Grassland Striped Skink Rediscovered In Australia
All three skink species were successfully located in the wild. [...]
Australia’s Victorian Grassland Earless Dragon Gets More Conservation Help
The introduction of feral cats and foxes contributed to the decline of Tympanocryptis pinguicolla. [...]
Racer Snake Trapped In Fake Spider Web Saved at Florida’s Pelican Harbor Seabird Station
The snake was taken to the Pelican Harbor Seabird Station in Miami, FL, where staff worked to remove the fibers from the snake’s mouth and body. [...]

34 Texas Horned Lizards Released By San Antonio Zoo
The San Antonio Zoo announced that it has released 34 Texas horned lizards that were captive bred as part of the zoo’s Center for Conservation and Res [...]
New Species of Legless Skink Discovered in Africa
The new species, Acontias mukwando sp. nov is closely related to A. percivali. [...]
Arizona’s Yarrow’s Spiny Lizard Faces Extinction Due To Climate Change, Study Says
The lizards at the lower elevations could not tolerate the increasing heat, which the researchers say is a signature pattern of climate change. [...]