Category: Featured

Applications Open For 2024 Association of Reptiles and Amphibian Veterinarians Grant
Each proposal submitted will be evaluated on scientific value, conservation relevance, and feasibility of proposal. ARAV members will be given priorit [...]
Tail Amputation: Care After Surgery
A majority of amputations only need the tip or back quarter of the tail removed. [...]
Reptile Keeping In Ireland
There’s things American reptile keepers often take for granted, such as easy access to frozen rodents and other feeders. [...]
Age of Reptiles Brought On By 60 Million Years Of Climate Change
The researchers assert that the rise in temperatures on a global scale that occurred between the Permian and Triassic periodsled to the Age of Reptile [...]

Video: Is Pansnakes The Coolest Reptile Video Of The Year?
The video you are about to see has got to be the coolest video shown on this year. It is at least for me. YouTube uploader Nathan [...]
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