Being Russ Case


Being Russ Case

The portal into Russ Case's mind is open.

Pet Snake Sales Rise In Hong Kong
New Leopard Frog Species Discovered In New York/New Jersey Region
Two Amphibian Species That Lived 278 Million Years Ago Discovered in Brazil

Hi folks. I’m starting to understand how John Cusack’s character felt in Being John Malkovich. I feel a little like a puppeteer in a celebrity’s body.

As some of you might know, Russ asked me and Managing Editor Stephanie Starr to write a few blogs while he was away traversing Alaska. We obliged. Now, as I write this blog for “Random Neural Firings of a REPTILES Editor,” I get the feeling I’m in Russ’ head. Thus the references to Being John Malkovich. Maybe when Russ comes back I’ll be dumped into a ditch on the New Jersey Turnpike.

Yet no matter how I feel at present, I am, of course, not Russ, so here’s a little about how I fit into REPTILES magazine. My work is easiest to spot in the “Reptile Retailer Spotlight” and “News From the Reptile Realm” columns, where you’ll often see my byline, but I also contact the readers who win our monthly contests, including “Home Sweet Habitat,” “Reader Shotz,” “Where in the World Is REPTILES?,” “Reader Rewards,” “Reptile Rugrats,” “Herp Doodles” and “Living With Reptiles.” I also contact winners for our less frequent contests, such as Tat Attack! and “Drawn to” REPTILES. Who knows? Maybe I’ve spoken to some of you.

But one of my favorite aspects of this job occurs in the late summer and fall. The herp show season is upon us, and work takes me out of the confines of my office and into the open space of nearby convention centers. I usually spend my time hiding behind a camera. This weekend I’m going to the North American Reptile Breeders Conference and Trade Show in Anaheim, Calif. It’s one of my favorite expos. Stephanie wrote about it in her first blog. Next week I’ll share some of my pictures of the event.

OK, it’s time for me to get out of Russ’ head and back into my own. Have a good weekend. I know I will.

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