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Ball Python Found On Walmart Shelf In Indiana Adopted

The shelter is not sure how the ball python ended up on a Walmart shelf.

The seemingly healthy snake was found at the store April 19 and brought to the City of Bloomington Animal Care and Control.

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A ball python (Python regius) that was found on a shelf in an Indiana Walmart store has been adopted. The seemingly healthy snake was found at the store April 19 and brought to the City of Bloomington Animal Care and Control. The animal care named him Wolverine and posted a photo of him on the shelter’s Facebook page where he became a little sensation with more than 750 likes and more than 2000 shares in just a day.

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The day he was found, the shelter posted the following on its Facebook page:

“Happy tuesssssssday. Meet our little friend, Wolverine. This young python was found at our local Walmart chillin’ on a shelf. It’s unclear how he got there, but it was a good thing a Good Samaritan saw him and got him to safety at the shelter. He is officially off his stray hold and he’s in the market for a forever home! He would do best with an experienced snake owner. He’s a bit stressed and slightly spicy. He is growing used to the thought of being handled and will likely be able to relax more in a calmer environment.”

And between Tuesday and today, the shelter adopted him out after many potential adopters expressed interest in adopting him.

The shelter is not sure how the ball python ended up on a Walmart shelf. At any rate, he found a new home and will get a chance to live a long life.

Ball Python Information

Ball pythons are one of the most popular snakes in the hobby and come from western Africa. They are widely captive-bred throughout the United States. They grow to about five feet in length and can live for 30 years or more. If you keep a ball python, or any snake, please ensure that its enclosure is escape-proof.