Author: Robert G. Sprackland

Desert Iguana Care Sheet
The desert iguana can be very hardy in captivity if given proper care. [...]

5 Tips For Keeping The Savannah Monitor
Savannah monitors are robust, hardy lizards that have relatively simple care requirements [...]

Desert Iguana Collection And Keeping Laws
Bonus content from the July 2011 REPTILES magazine article "A Desert Dweller in Need of Heat." [...]
Desert Iguana References
Desert Iguana References [...]

Breeding Savannah Monitors
Expert tips on breeding savannah monitors [...]

Blue-Spotted Monitor
Care for the rare and challenging blue-spotted monitor (Varanus macraei). [...]
Peach-throat Reproduction
Peach-throat online exclusive. [...]

The Peach-Throat Monitor
The peach-throat monitor appears similar to other mangrove monitors, but are distinguished by a dark, patternless head, large round eyes, a pink tongu [...]
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