Author: Margaret A. Wissman, DVM, DABVP

Sonoran Desert Tortoise Feeding And Diet
My Sonoran desert tortoises don't eat much. [...]

Bearded Dragon Not Eating
Why would our beardies suddenly stop eating? [...]

Ball Python Snake Not Eating
I moved my ball python snake into a new terrarium and now he is not eating. What is wrong with him? [...]
My Leopard Gecko Is Not Eating
My leopard gecko ran away and now that I found her again, she won't eat. Why is this? [...]

Identify And Treat Mouth, Shell And Scale Rot In Reptiles
How to treat mouth, shell, and scale rot in reptiles. [...]
White Tortoise Feces
Why is my tortoise’s feces white? [...]

Bearded Dragon Will Not Eat
My bearded dragon recently stopped eating and I was wondering what would cause this? [...]

Snake Winter Anorexia
Do ball pythons typically go through a hibernation state during the winter? [...]

Iguana Lifespan And Proper Care
How long will a captive green iguana live? [...]

Leopard Gecko Eye Problem
My leopard gecko can’t open his eye. [...]

Bearded Dragon Basking Open Mouth
Why do bearded dragons bask with their mouth open? [...]

Reptile Injury Or Metabolic Bone Disease
We have a female collard lizard, which we have had now for four weeks (juvenile). About one week ago, we noticed her front right hand to be extremely [...]
African Fat-Tailed Gecko's Tail Not
Why is my African fat-tailed gecko lethargic and eating less? [...]
Anorexic Leopard Gecko
I was told my lizards have worms and was prescribed Panacur, which I’ve administered now for a week without any change in condition. What else can I d [...]
Basilisk Belly Irritation
What is the red irritation on my basilisk's belly? [...]

Bearded Dragon Seizures
What causes my bearded dragon to suffer seizures, and how can I prevent them? [...]

Bearded Dragon Won't Eat
My bearded dragon won’t eat, sleeps a lot and drags his back legs when he walks. [...]
Bearded Dragon Feeding
Bearded Dragon doesn’t want to eat his vegetables. [...]

Chameleon Eye Problem
Why does my chameleon keep closing its eye? [...]
Chameleon Not Using Its Tongue
My lizard's stool has white strings and recently there are signs of blood in his stool. What is wrong? [...]
Monitor Lizard Nails
I live in South Africa where there are no specialized reptile veterinarians that can assist me with my monitor lizard (Varanus albigularis) problem [...]
Constipated Lizard
My leopard gecko is sick. After taking him to a local vet, we are now warm-water soaking him, force feeding him, and providing a laxative. He still, [...]
Coughing Lizard
Q: I have a male green iguana and he has a cough. Can they get colds from humans? How can this be treated? I am very concerned and care for him as [...]
Herps And Cancer
Can a bearded dragon get cancer in its leg? If so, should the leg be amputated?
Yes, all lizards and herps can develop cancer. I suspect you a [...]