Author: John Virata

1 2 3 20 24 / 469 POSTS
Has Keeping Kingsnakes And Corn Snakes In Florence, SC Been Banned?

Has Keeping Kingsnakes And Corn Snakes In Florence, SC Been Banned?

Reptiles Magazine is waiting to hear back from the city to determine if these non-venomous and popular snakes among reptile keepers is included, as th [...]
Alligator Seized By New York Authorities May Be Coming Home

Alligator Seized By New York Authorities May Be Coming Home

The court determined that the DEC erred in essentially denying the application without a response. It had 30 days to respond starting February 14. [...]
Crocodile-Like Species That Lived 237 Million Years Ago Described

Crocodile-Like Species That Lived 237 Million Years Ago Described

R. beckerorum is the second proterochampsid species described from the Pinheiros-Chiniquá Sequence. [...]
Blue-Tongued Skinks From Australia Seized At Hong Kong International Airport

Blue-Tongued Skinks From Australia Seized At Hong Kong International Airport

The lizards, of the genus Tiliqua, were discovered by customs officers who were inspecting a shipment declared to contain "dehumidifier, air purifier, [...]
Disney Star China McClain Apologizes To Hawaiians For Touching Sea Turtle

Disney Star China McClain Apologizes To Hawaiians For Touching Sea Turtle

"I adore these beautiful turtles, and the people of Hawai‘i. We’re very sorry,” she said. [...]
24ft Reticulated Python Goldie Passes Away At Florida’s Skunk Ape Headquarters

24ft Reticulated Python Goldie Passes Away At Florida’s Skunk Ape Headquarters

Goldie was about 24 feet in length and weighed 400lbs, one of the largest captive reticulated pythons. [...]
12 Collared Lizards Make New Home At Oklahoma City Zoo

12 Collared Lizards Make New Home At Oklahoma City Zoo

The lizards can be seen at the zoo’s Oklahoma Trails habitat, which is home to a variety of animals native to the state. [...]
Treefrog Species From Ecuador Discovered and Described

Treefrog Species From Ecuador Discovered and Described

The frog is named after David C. Cannatella, Dean of the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Texas at Austin. Cannatella collected [...]
USFWS Records Alligator Crossing Road With Turtle Lunch In its Mouth

USFWS Records Alligator Crossing Road With Turtle Lunch In its Mouth

The Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge is located west of Boynton Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida. [...]
USARK ALERT: ESA Listing for Blue Tree Monitors

USARK ALERT: ESA Listing for Blue Tree Monitors

FWS has used emergency rulemaking to apply a 240-day temporary listing for the blue tree monitor (Varanus macraei) as endangered under the Endangered [...]
Venomous Cat Snake Found In Bananas In New Hampshire

Venomous Cat Snake Found In Bananas In New Hampshire

The Ornate cat-eyed snake (Leptodeira ornata) can be found in broad ranging and diverse ecosystems, ranging from rainforests to dry forests and is als [...]
One Of The Most Venomous Snakes In The World Washes Up On Hawaii Beach

One Of The Most Venomous Snakes In The World Washes Up On Hawaii Beach

The venom of the yellow-bellied sea snake causes rapid breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue. It is a very slow acting venom that initially causes heada [...]
4 Great Reptiles For New Keepers

4 Great Reptiles For New Keepers

We offer several of the most popular reptiles (and one amphibian) amongst keepers based on temperament, care, handling, and just pure joy of keeping. [...]
New Leaf-Toed Gecko Species Described

New Leaf-Toed Gecko Species Described

The Dixonius genus is a genus of Asian geckos called the leaf-toed geckos. [...]
Eastern Brown Snakes Don’t Fare Well When Relocated According to Preliminary Australian Research

Eastern Brown Snakes Don’t Fare Well When Relocated According to Preliminary Australian Research

"We assume that they can adapt very quickly and they are resilient and they can make use of anywhere, but what we are really finding is that is not th [...]
New Colubrid Parrot Snake Species From Brazil Described

New Colubrid Parrot Snake Species From Brazil Described

Leptophis mystacinus sp. nov was collected in Brazil. The researchers compared the new species with 1,625 specimens of Leptophis spp. using extracted [...]
33 Endangered Darwin’s Frogs Born at London Zoo

33 Endangered Darwin’s Frogs Born at London Zoo

The frog, Rhinoderma darwinii, which is also known as the Southern Darwin's frog, was discovered by Charles Darwin during a trip to Chile. [...]
Study Says Leopard Geckos Prefer Bioactive Enclosures

Study Says Leopard Geckos Prefer Bioactive Enclosures

We recommend that geckos are kept in enriched enclosures, ideally with naturalistic features. [...]
Thousands of Tortoises Saved From Heavy Floods At Madagascar’s Lavavolo Tortoise Center

Thousands of Tortoises Saved From Heavy Floods At Madagascar’s Lavavolo Tortoise Center

The storm caused massive damage to the facility’s infrastructure, and endangered thousands of critically endangered Radiated Tortoises and Spider Tort [...]
Sulcata Tortoise Evacuated During SoCal Fires Goes Home

Sulcata Tortoise Evacuated During SoCal Fires Goes Home

“We were happy to give this tortoise a safe place to stay,” Pasadena Humane wrote in a video posted to its social media account. “And even happier to [...]
As Global Temperatures Rise, Lizards Have Harder Time Feeding And Foraging

As Global Temperatures Rise, Lizards Have Harder Time Feeding And Foraging

“Our study reveals that as deserts heat up, diurnal (day-active) lizards face a squeeze—needing more food while having less time to find it." [...]
Examining Soil For eDNA Leads to Locating Eastern Indigo Snakes

Examining Soil For eDNA Leads to Locating Eastern Indigo Snakes

They determined that the Eastern indigo snake sheds detectable DNA in the soil in which they traverse in less than two minutes, and that DNA is detect [...]
Two African House Snakes New To Science Described

Two African House Snakes New To Science Described

The Broadley’s African house snake (Boaedon broadleyi sp. nov.) is known to exist in four localities in Africa. Boaedon subniger can be found in North [...]
Reptile Super Show 2025 Recap

Reptile Super Show 2025 Recap

In between the throngs of ball python, leopard and crested gecko vendors were a variety of otherwise overlooked species that definitely caught my eye. [...]
1 2 3 20 24 / 469 POSTS