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Man in Florida Gets Bit By Rattlesnake As He Tried To Kiss It

The man is in critical condition.

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What part of venomous do some people not understand? A Florida man is in critical condition after he tried to kiss an eastern diamondback rattlesnake May 16 in Botswick. The unnamed man was apparently drinking and holding the venomous reptile when the snake bit him on the face as he went to kiss it, the victim’s friend told WFLA/NBC News.

The man, which news reports say is in his 20s, is in critical condition.

The eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) is the biggest venomous snake in the Americas, with recorded lengths nearing eight feet and weights in excess of 35 pounds. The eastern diamondback has massive fangs that can approach a full inch long and can pump as much as 450 mg of venom (less than 150 mg can kill a human) in a single bite. Massive doses of CroFab anti-venin are effective in treating people. They are known to inhabit pine forests, mountains, and dry marsh and coastal areas of Florida as well as the lower southeastern United States. 

Most folks who are bitten by rattlesnakes are those who fool around with them, as they are not looking to bite people. In July 2015, a man in San Diego, Calif. tried to take a selfie with a rattlesnake and got bit on the arm. A month later, another California man, who also wanted to take a selfie with a rattlesnake also got bit.