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Python Ban On Fox News

Marshall Meyers of PIJAC appeared on Fox News talking about the proposed Python Import ban.

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Marshall Meyers, CEO and General Counsel for the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC), appeared on Fox News talking about the proposed Python Import ban (HR2811 | S373). According to Meyers, a ban on importing pythons under the Lacey Act will not solve the issue of pythons in the everglades. And, in fact, there might be significant unintended consequences, including people releasing their pet pythons into the wild, euthanizing the pythons, or drive the trade underground.

On the Fox News show, Happening Now, Meyers said, "We need far more flexible approach than just banning the imports. Banning imports is part of the issue. Dealing with specimens in private possession is another part of the solution or issue. And thirdly, having permission to be able to go into the Everglades to remove them from the Everglades is a third factor that needs to be considered."

In the interview, Meyers summarized the Florida regulations that require permits, record keeping, micro chip identification, caging standards, and security systems as an example of a good regulatory mechanism for handling the Burmese python issue.

Click to watch the Fox News interview>>