66 Snakes Seized From Baltimore Man

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66 Snakes Seized From Baltimore Man

Acting on a tip of a foul odor emanating from a Baltimore apartment, city authorities last week discovered and seized 66 snakes from a man who said he

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Acting on a tip of a foul odor emanating from a Baltimore apartment, city authorities last week discovered and seized 66 snakes from a man who said he was breeding them. The snakes, ball pythons and boa constrictors, were taken to the Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter, where the snakes are being cared for. According to the Washington Post, the snakes ranged in size from four to 10 feet in length, and most of the snakes, by virtue of their size, were illegal to keep in the city. Only snakes under five feet in length are permitted. According to the report, authorities found many snakes with mites and many were undernourished, and some of the snakes were dead, along with what were described as decaying rodents. 

rescued snakes from Baltimore apartment building

Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter

While authorities said many of the snakes were malnourished, these ball pythons appear to look healthy.

The animal shelter will care for the snakes while the investigation continues, and if the snakes are not returned to the owner, the shelter will work with reptile rescues to help place the animals. 

Does anyone know what happened in Baltimore regarding these reptiles? Does anyone know the breeder of these snakes? If so, send me an email at jvirata@i5publishing.com