Two Crocodile Tegus Hatch at Nashville ZooThe crocodile tegu grows to about 4 ft in length. It is not related to any crocodilian species. Photo by Nashville Zoo/Facebook

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Two Crocodile Tegus Hatch at Nashville Zoo

Eventually the two crocodile tegus will go on display at the zoo.

The crocodile tegu is not a well known species and is found in the Amazon Basin.

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The Nashville Zoo announced today o its Facebook page that it has successfully hatched two crocodile tegus (Crocodilurus amazonicus), which the zoo says is the first such hatching of the species at any AZA- accredited zoo. According to the zoo’s announcement of the hatching, the crocodile tegu is not a well known species and is found in the Amazon Basin. It is so named for its fondness of water, the zoo wrote.

The lizard belongs to the genus Crocodilurus, and is the only species in its genus. It belongs to the family teeidae, which includes tegus, ameivas and whiptails. It is a semi-aquatic species that has a flattened tail that makes it a proficient swimmer. Its name, which translates to little Amazonian crocodile, isn’t closely related to any crocodilian species. In addition to the Amazon Basin, the species is also found in the Guiana Shield. It feeds own arthrop[ods, amphibians, smaller reptiles and fish. It is known to grow about 4 feet in length.

It is currently listed as a species of Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.