
Tell Us About Your Favorite Reptiles

Enter the Living With Reptiles contest and win!

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What would you do if you were offered $100 worth of reptile products, just for sharing some favorite memories of your reptile or amphibian pets? You wouldn’t hesitate, right? Well, that’s exactly what the three lucky winners of our newest contest will receive: a $100 shopping spree from Zilla, just for sharing some stories about their pet herps.

Until it was discontinued, “Living With Reptiles” was a regular monthly column in REPTILES. In it, readers would share stories about their pet herps.  Sometimes they were funny; other times they were poignant. The column always appeared on the last page, the spot currently occupied by “Herper’s Most Wanted.” It was a tough decision to discontinue “Living,” but it became a casualty when it was decided to devote more space in the magazine to feature articles and less to regular columns.

Because readers did let us know how much they missed “Living With Reptiles,” I figured I could solicit stories from people and run them together in a collection as a feature article sometime. Then it occurred to me: Why not make a contest out of it, with prizes? So that’s what we’ve done, and you can see the contest announcement here.