Tag: White's treefrog

Five Great Beginner Pet Frogs
Frogs (and toads) are often the very first herp that keepers interact with. Mine were toads that I caught in the neighborhood canal near my school. We [...]
Aussie Vet Sews Up Hole On Tiny Treefrog
A veterinarian in Australia performed a successful surgery on a green tree frog that had a hole in its chest. Brisbane veterinarian Dr. Meaghan Barrow [...]

Keeping White’s Treefrogs
Few frogs are as instantly recognizable as the chubby White's treefrog (Ranoidea caerulea). So named after John White, who first described the species [...]

White’s Treefrog Care Sheet
White's treefrog is also known as the dumpy frog and Australian green tree frog (Litoria caerulea). [...]
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