Tag: venomous

Venomous Keepers In South Carolina Fight To Keep Their Snakes

Venomous Keepers In South Carolina Fight To Keep Their Snakes

After a man in the city of Florence was bitten by an inland taipan snake, the state house moved to introduce the South Carolina Venomous Reptiles Act. [...]
New Jersey Politician Bitten By Rattlesnake At Family’s Zoo

New Jersey Politician Bitten By Rattlesnake At Family’s Zoo

Space, 56, has been feeding the snakes at his family's zoo since he was 12 years old and has never before been bitten. [...]
Venomous Lizard From Late Triassic Discovered In Arizona

Venomous Lizard From Late Triassic Discovered In Arizona

Microzemiotes sonselaensis represents the third Late Triassic reptile species that possibly used envenomation in either feeding or defensive strategie [...]
New King Cobra Species Discovered In India

New King Cobra Species Discovered In India

The researchers have restricted Ophiophagus hannah s. str. to populations of the snake located in eastern Pakistan, northern and eastern India, centra [...]
New Venomous Keelback Snake Species Discovered in Vietnam

New Venomous Keelback Snake Species Discovered in Vietnam

The snake is named the H’mong keelback snake (Rhabdophis hmongorum) in honor of the H'mong people. [...]
Evolutionary Tree Of Elapoidea Snakes Reconstructed

Evolutionary Tree Of Elapoidea Snakes Reconstructed

Researchers with the University of Helsinki have reconstructed the evolutionary tree of snakes of the superfamily Elapoidea. "Snakes are not just d [...]

Rare Striped Copperhead Photographed In Mississippi And Image Goes Viral

Ben Davis sees a lot of snakes when he is out driving the roads of Mississippi, but a few months ago while behind the wheel, one snake crossing the ro [...]
Trump Pardons Snake Trafficker In Last Days Of Presidency

Trump Pardons Snake Trafficker In Last Days Of Presidency

As one of his last acts as president, former President Donald J. Trump pardoned a man who was convicted of snake trafficking in the early 1990s. Rober [...]
Pigmy Rattlesnake Care Sheet

Pigmy Rattlesnake Care Sheet

Pigmy Rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius) There are three subspecies of pigmy rattlesnake – the Carolina pigmy (S. m. miliarius), the dusky pigmy (S. [...]
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