Tag: timber rattlesnake

Every Uptick in Temperature Leads to More Venomous Snake Bites. . . In Georgia
Similar studies should be carried out in other states to establish a nationwide picture of the risk of venomous snake bites and temperatures. [...]

Rattlesnake Researcher William Martin Dies After Timber Rattlesnake Bite
Martin, a rattlesnake researcher who, at the age of 13, documented the first instance of timber rattlesnakes in the Bull Run Mountains. [...]

Snake Fungal Disease Appeared In USA As Far Back As 1945, Study Says
A microbiologist with the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin, looked at more than 500 preserved snakes in [...]

North Carolina Wants To Know If You See Rattlesnakes And Pine Snakes
If you live in the state of North Carolina, or are visiting the state and happen to see a pine snake (Pituophis melanoleucus), timber rattlesnake (Cro [...]
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