Tag: parthenogenesis
Brazilian Rainbow Boa Births 14 Baby Snakes via Parthenogenesis
The snake, named Ronaldo, and initially thought to be male, has not been in contact with any other snakes for nine years. [...]
American Crocodile Lays Viable Eggs via Facultative Parthenogenesis
This marks the first known occurrence of facultative parthenogenesis in an American crocodile. [...]

Project Varanus salvatorii
When it comes to reptiles, it seems as though there is always another stone to turn over as we are always learning new significant information about t [...]
Oldest Known Snake In A Zoo Lays Eggs Without Aid Of Male Snake
A 50-year-old ball python (Python regius) living in the Saint Louis Zoo has laid eggs, but hasn’t been with a male ball python in more than 15 years, [...]
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