Tag: North Carolina

North Carolina Aquarium Wants You To Help Name Their Blue-Tongued Skinks
Syd, Mel or Sunny? How about Tili, Bluey or Wiru. [...]
North Carolina Salamander Needs Protections, Petition Says
The center claims that there are between 200 and 500 Hickory Nut Gorge salamanders left in existence. [...]
North Carolina Wildlife Commission Puts Restrictions On Black and White Tegu
Applications for permits for those who already possess the Argentine black and white tegu will be available when the rule becomes effective. [...]
Iguana Who Lost Front Legs Due To Being Hogtied Now Eating On His Own
The Carolina Waterfowl Rescue in Indian Trail, NC earlier this month took in a green iguana (Iguana iguana) that was found abandoned with its front le [...]
Spitting Cobra Escapes In Raleigh, NC
A venomous snake identified by the Raleigh, NC police department as a zebra (Naja nigricincta) spitting cobra, has been reported missing from a keeper [...]

North Carolina Wants To Know If You See Rattlesnakes And Pine Snakes
If you live in the state of North Carolina, or are visiting the state and happen to see a pine snake (Pituophis melanoleucus), timber rattlesnake (Cro [...]
Two-headed Rat Snake Finds Home At Catawba Science Center In NC
A woman in Taylorsville, NC had twice the surprise last month when a two-headed rat snake (Elaphe sp.) crawled into her home. Jeannie Wilson captured [...]
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