Tag: illegal reptile trade

The Successful Return Of 12 Indian Star Tortoises Back Into The Wild

The Successful Return Of 12 Indian Star Tortoises Back Into The Wild

The Indian star tortoise (Geochelone elegans), one of the most beautiful tortoises in all of Asia, is sadly disappearing from the India landscape. Esc [...]

Illegal Trade Of Philippine Monitor Lizards Aided By Facebook

Facebook continues to be the main tool for the illegal selling of monitor lizards in the Philippines, according to a report by TRAFFIC, an organizatio [...]
Australian Lizards Illegally Bound For China Intercepted By Australian Authorities

Australian Lizards Illegally Bound For China Intercepted By Australian Authorities

Australian postal workers who couldn’t explain abnormal shadows in x-ray scans of rice cookers, called the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service for a [...]
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