Tag: green sea turtle

Contaminants Ingested By Female Green Sea Turtles May Cause More Female Hatchlings
The study found that contaminants such as cobalt, lead, barium, and cadmium are found in hatchling livers and have significant effects on sex ratio an [...]

Three Florida Beaches Yield More Than 25,000 Sea Turtle Nests
The center monitors and counts sea turtle nests from March 1 to October 31 every year. [...]
Researchers Can Detect Nuclear Events In Scutes Of Turtles and Tortoises
In all of the scute samples except that from the control animal, the Sonoran desert tortoise, uranium (235U and 236U) were detected. [...]
Marines Work To Protect Sea Turtle Nests On Marine Corps Base Hawaii
Scientists with Marine Corps Base Hawaii and U.S. Marines are working together to ensure this year's green sea turtle nesting season goes off without [...]

Study Highlights Marine Plastic Ingestion In Sea Turtles
A 2018 study found that micro plastics and what is now called marine plastics have been found in all seven marine turtle species. That study looked at [...]
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