Tag: Argentine black and white tegu
North Carolina Wildlife Commission Puts Restrictions On Black and White Tegu
Applications for permits for those who already possess the Argentine black and white tegu will be available when the rule becomes effective. [...]
South Carolina Bans Keeping Of Tegu Lizards
South Carolina has banned the importation of Argentine black and white tegus (Salvator meriane)and their hybrids into the state, and breeding of the s [...]
Florida Law That Restricted Certain Reptiles Ruled Unconstitutional
A Florida law signed June 29 by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis that placed restrictions on the possession, breeding and sale of non-native tegu lizards (Sa [...]

South Carolina Documents First Argentine Black And White Tegu In The Wild
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources announced today that it has captured an adult female black and white tegu (Salvator merianae) in L [...]

USARK Challenges Florida’s New Law On Reptile Keeping Restrictions
The United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) is challenging a new law signed last month by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis that places restricti [...]

Building A Positive Relationship Between Your Tegu And Its Food
It goes without saying that you need to feed your pets regularly, regardless of their size, age, or species. However, the relationship between reptile [...]
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