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SB310 Up For Hearing In Ohio Again

Poorly written bill bans some reptiles while supposedly sets up permitting systems for others.

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SB310, introduced into the Ohio Senate by Senator Troy Balderson, is likely to receive another hearing before the Senate Agriculture, Environment & Natural Resources Committee on Tuesday April 17th at 10:45AM. This will likely be another testimony driven hearing. Both opponents, and proponents of the bill will be giving testimony. It could be another all day affair. Please plan to attend the entire hearing. It is paramount that we dominate the hearing testimony as we did last month with 125 people wearing NO SB310 pins. Bring your pins with you. USARK will provide as many more pins as needed at the door.

SB 310 is a very poorly written, “one size fits all”, bill that bans some reptiles and claims to set up a permit system for others. The reality is that it is a de-facto ban on everything because the fees, insurance and restrictive provisions are so prohibitive they will ensure that most cannot comply. This is the time to stand strong. Reptiles have never presented any public safety risk in Ohio. Negotiating to save yourself only shows weakness and lack of conviction. The Committee, Bill Sponsor, ODA and ODNR have failed to make any kind of logic or fact based argument to substantiate the inclusion of ANY reptiles in SB310. It is the position of USARK that ALL reptiles be removed from SB310.
Click here to send an email to Committee Members:http://usark.org/campaign.php?id=37