REPTILES Tat Attack! Tattoo Contest

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REPTILES Tat Attack! Tattoo Contest

Are you a fan of reptile-inspired tattoos? The REPTILES Tat Attack! tattoo contest is here, and three winners will receive cash from Blue Iguana!

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How to Enter
Send photos of your tattoos. Submit as many as you wish, whether they are multiple photos of a single tattoo or photos of several tattoos. Tattoos must belong to the person entering the contest, and all tats must be clearly visible in your photos. By entering the contest you are verifying that you are at least 18 years old.

Digital images must be a minimum of 300 dpi and sized 5 inches by 7 inches.

Your complete name, address and telephone number must be included with each entry, along with a description of your tattoo(s), where on your body they appear and the animal species that inspired them. Feel free to include any background info you wish (e.g., a pet inspired the tattoo, if it’s your favorite species, etc.).

Please remember and REPTILES magazine are family oriented. Entries that might be considered offensive should not be submitted. Use your best judgment in defining “offensive.”

Who Should Enter
Anyone 18 years of age or older with a terrific reptile or amphibian tattoo is eligible to win the contest. Tattoos based on actual herp species are great, but we also welcome photos of tattoos that use real species as a jumping-off point for their designs. For instance, two entries from the last contest included a salamander with skulls all over its body — not an actual species that we know of. Of course, plenty of snake tattoos didn’t bear any resemblance to an actual snake, but they were still entered into the running.

Win Money! Entries will be judged by Rob Ullom and Franco Vescovi of Orange County Inkhouse, along with REPTILES Editor Russ Case, and there will be first-, second- and third-place winners. This year's contest is sponsored by Blue Iguana.

• First place wins $200.
• Second place wins $100.
• Third place wins $50.

Winners will be announced on and also in the “MailBag” section of REPTILES magazine.

Runner-up photos might be published on, as well (sorry, no payment will be made for these).

Contest Deadline