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Reptiles Magazine 0503

Check out what’s inside the March 2005 issue of Reptiles magazine.

Reptiles Magazine 0411
2012 REPTILES Tat Attack! Contest
Pennsylvania Mulls Permits For Reptile And Amphibian Owners And Dealers


This month:
February 2005



Meet the Moloch

The thorniest devils in the world.

By Wade C. Sherbrooke, Ph.D.


The Lemur Leaf Frog

Experts share natural history and captive breeding techniques for this threatened frog.

By Ron Gagliardo and Brian Kubicki


Make Way for Barron’s Green Racers

Does Philodryas baroni have what it takes to become popular among future waves of hobbyists?

By Brian Aucone

Hollywood’s Go-To Reptile Guy

Lemony Snicket is the latest film to feature Jules Sylvester’s cast of reptile actors.

By Russ Case

Honeymoon Herping

Newlyweds discover the herps of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.

By Omar Attum


The Editor’s Desk
Reptile News & Trivia

Herpetological Queries

Ask the Breeder
Breeder’s Choice
Notes From the Field
Bits & Pieces
REPTILES Reader Survey


Cold-Blooded Events
Living With Reptiles