ReptileChannel Mother's Day Contest


ReptileChannel Mother's Day Contest

In honor of Mother’s Day we’re having a “Mom Vs. Herps” contest. Send us your funny true herp stories.

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For Mother’s Day, It’s “Mom Vs. Herps!”

This contest is over. Check out the winners here>>

As a kid who often brought wild herps home to keep as pets, I was pretty lucky when it came to my mom’s tolerance in this area. She was fine with frogs, turtles, lizards and salamanders in the house. Snakes were another issue. I had to keep them outside. Of course this didn’t stop me from sneaking them into the house. I wrote about the end result of one such incident in this blog.

When I became a teenager the no-snake rule was lifted, and boas, kingsnakes and other snakes moved in. As long as none escaped Mom was fine with them. Even my grandma took to enjoying handling one of my red-tail boas (though Mom was never keen to do so).

In honor of Mother’s Day we’re having a “Mom Vs. Herps” contest. Do you have a funny true story about the time your mom encountered your pet python dangling from a light fixture? Maybe she was faced with having to feed your reptiles while you were away, leading to a funny situation. Or perhaps an escaped anole crawled into her shoe, leading to mom doing a jig in the living room. Did you ever sneak a reptile into your bedroom, only to startle your mom later?

Tell us, in 300 words or less, your Mom Vs. Herps story by e-mailing it to by Friday, May 8 at 5 a.m. EDT. All entries that are posted will receive 1,000 ReptileChannel reward points, which can be used toward free herp merchandise (click here to see what’s available). The winning entries will be announced on the homepage starting Saturday, May 9, and will appear there through the Mother's Day weekend .

Photos of your moms and herps are welcome! Photo size should be no more than 500 pixels wide at 72 dpi (dots per inch), to ensure they make it into our mailbox.

We can’t wait to read your funny stories, in honor of dear ol’ Mom! And don’t forget to send her a ReptileChannel Mother’s Day e-card – we’ve got free e-cards right here.

–Russ Case

Winning entries will be chosen by ReptileChannel editors.  

Friday, May 8, 2009 at 5 a.m. EDT

E-mail entries to

Posted entries will receive 1,000 Club Reptile points.

All entries become the property of BowTie, Inc. BowTie, Inc. reserves the right to edit all submissions. All submissions are subject to the discretion of BowTie, Inc.

By submitting an entry, contestants acknowledge compliance with these rules, including eligibility and qualification requirements.

Check out the winners here>>