ReptileChannel Exclusives

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ReptileChannel Exclusives

Just for! Exclusives you can only find on Mystery Skull Challenge

Designer Geckos In Longmont Colorado
Breeding The Rufous-Beaked Snake
November 2010 Editor’s Note

Just for! Exclusives you can only find on

Mystery Skull Challenge

Mystery Skull Challenge

Identify the mystery herp skull correctly for your chance at a great prize.
Skull Challenge Archive>>

Creature Caption Contest

Creature Caption Contest

Submit a witty caption for a reptile photo and earn points to your Club Reptile account if your caption gets posted!
Current Caption Contest>>
Creature Caption Archive>>

Herper Headshotz

Herper Headshotz

Herper Headshotz is a new weekly ReptileChannel quiz. Test your reptile industry knowledge now!
Herper Headshotz Archive>>

Tat Attack Contest

2010 REPTILES Tat Attack! Tattoo Contest Winners and Entries

Check out the winners, and notable entries, from the 2010 REPTILES Tat Attack! Contest.

2010 Tat Attack! Contest>>

2008 Tat Attack! Contest>>

REPTILES Art Contest

REPTILES Art Contest Winners

Check out the winners, and notable entries, from the 2009 "Drawn To" REPTILES Amateur Art Contest.
2009 Art Contest>>

Tortoise Feeding and Nutrition Video

Tortoise Feeding and Nutrition

ReptileChannel's Tortoise Feeding and Nutrition Video.
Watch Video>>

ReptileChannel Blogs

ReptileChannel Blogs

Exclusive blogs from REPTILES editor Russ Case, herp enthusiast Kristin Van Alstine, and USARK President Andrew Wyatt.
View Blogs>>