Reptile Crossing Signs

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Reptile Crossing Signs

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Glenn Johnson, Chairperson in the Department of Biology at SUNY College of Potsdam, is looking for any published or unpublished information on the effectiveness of road crossing signs designed to benefit amphibians, turtles and other reptiles. He is planning such a study in northern New York at known turtle crossings that appear to be hotspots of mortality. He hopes to evaluate such factors as changes in driver behavior (speed) pre- and post-sign placement as well as the signs' effectiveness in reducing mortality. Information about designs of turtle crossings signs is also sought.

If you know of any relevant literature please send an e-mail to or contact Glenn Johnson, Chairperson, Department of Biology, SUNY College at Potsdam, 44 Pierrepont Ave., Potsdam, NY 13676-2294; (315) 267-2710, fax (315) 267-3170.