
Rainbow Boa Care Sheet Archived Comments

Reading these comments scare me... to think some of you chose to keep a more advance snake like these to keep. Smh, stick to pet rocks if you have to

Man Pleads Guilty To Trafficking Box Turtles
Researchers Detail Oldest and Most Diverse Lizard Paleofauna Encased in Amber
Reptiles In Public

Reading these comments scare me… to think some of you chose to keep a more advance snake like these to keep. Smh, stick to pet rocks if you have to ask such dumb questions. What do they eat? How do you feed them? I had some that starved… do you know how long it takes for a snake to starve. You shouldn’t have pets period… you people do NOT need to keep reptiles.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 23, 2018 07:46 PM

Hey there I’m getting a Brazilian Rainbow Boa soon how can I know how to feed it and how to buy one of these magnificent creatures?? Thanks for you time
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 7, 2018 10:20 PM

What do the baby rainbows eat? I’ve been given hatchlings and had them starve – and my hognose hatchling refused food until I could find (RAISE) live pinkies.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 29, 2018 07:36 PM

Hi, what do you guys have for temp and humidity for your rbb during winter?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 12, 2016 04:29 PM

Hi, what do you guys have for temp and humidity for your rbb during winter?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 9, 2016 09:41 PM

Hi, what do you guys have for temp and humidity for your rbb during winter?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 9, 2016 09:26 PM

Hi, my rainbow boa has not eaten for 4 weeks now, he is usually a good regular eater. I have tried many different ways including eating in his cage, out of the cage and cutting the rat open so he can smell the blood of it. Nothing is working. I know they can last months without eating, but it’s not like him to go this long without food. His viv levels are all in the right range. I don’t know what to do now, could someone help me please?
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 22, 2016 05:55 AM

Hi, my rainbow boa has not eaten for 4 weeks now, he is usually a good regular eater. I have tried many different ways including eating in his cage, out of the cage and cutting the rat open so he can smell the blood of it. Nothing is working. I know they can last months without eating, but it’s not like him to go this long without food. His viv levels are all in the right range. I don’t know what to do now, could someone help me please?
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 22, 2016 04:30 AM

Posted by Anonymous, Nov 17, 2016 09:11 AM

Snakes are cool I like turtles 🙂
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 17, 2016 09:10 AM

Snakes are cool I like turtles 🙂
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 17, 2016 09:09 AM

Snakes are cool I like turtles 🙂
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 17, 2016 09:07 AM

Posted by Anonymous, Nov 3, 2016 07:36 PM

yes only use distilled water! you can boil sink water to evaporate chemicals or buy a product that zoo-med makes to disinfect sink water.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 23, 2016 06:09 AM

“Distilled or reverse osmosis water is not safe as the only drinking water. Lacking all minerals and salts it can deplete necessary nutrients where properly buffered water will help provide various trace elements. At minimum if you don’t trust your local water sources bottled RO treated and re-buffered water should be given. The label will say it was treated via RO and then a small list of salts and a little minerals added back in. This still will be lacking in many common trace elements found in water normally but a good diet should make up for it.

Well water is it’s own problem. It often is very hard and contains a higher content of heavy metals. For fish we would use a dechlorinator that also binds heavy metals but I am not sure for a reptile. I would probably go to spring water or bottled drinking water as I mentioned above.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 21, 2016 04:23 AM

Distilled water is highly recommended. Just like with any animal and human… many chemicals found in water, treated and untreated, is harmful to them. If your boa has a “film-like” appearance on body as well as eyes… they are getting ready to shed. If they’re able to shed in one piece then they’re getting adequate water and nutrition. Everyone should have an aquarium mist or fogger. This will maintain the humidity, which is crucial to them. They are less docile during this shedding time because they are almost blinded by the skin and feel unsafe. They probably won’t have much of an appetite if any during this time. If you have a hatchling they will eat what is called pinkies. They’re baby mice. Everyone should have a thermometer that reads temperature and humidity levels. Never let your terrarium get a musty smell from being too wet. Change substrate often. ALWAYS cypress mulch and coconut substrate. My male adult boa could easily eat 2-3 mice a week, but I have feed him this every two weeks and seems to be thriving.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 13, 2016 11:54 AM

Distilled water is highly recommended. Just like with any animal and human… many chemicals found in water, treated and untreated, is harmful to them. If your boa has a “film-like” appearance on body as well as eyes… they are getting ready to shed. If they’re able to shed in one piece then they’re getting adequate water and nutrition. Everyone should have an aquarium mist or fogger. This will maintain the humidity, which is crucial to them. They are less docile during this shedding time because they are almost blinded by the skin and feel unsafe. They probably won’t have much of an appetite if any during this time. If you have a hatchling they will eat what is called pinkies. They’re baby mice. Everyone should have a thermometer that reads temperature and humidity levels. Never let your terrarium get a musty smell from being too wet. Change substrate often. ALWAYS cypress mulch and coconut substrate. My male adult boa could easily eat 2-3 mice a week, but I have feed him this every two weeks and seems to be thriving.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 13, 2016 11:54 AM

The boas will eat such as the mouse. Many mouse for proper health and humid.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 9, 2016 09:52 AM

Posted by Anonymous, Jun 20, 2016 03:20 PM

well i just got a columbian rainbow hatchling what do they eat?
Posted by Anonymous, May 26, 2016 12:44 PM

She is getting ready to shed.
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 24, 2016 04:42 PM

heather i dont know much about boas but i would take your snake to the vet. additionally never use distilled water it has no value as drinking and turns acidic when exposed to air too long. i would try filtered water instead of well water.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 29, 2016 08:11 AM

“My brazilian rainbow boa has been in her water bowl for a few days. She seems to have like a hard water build up on her. Her color changed. I took her right out of the water. What can i do to help her? Im sure that must be very uncomfortable. Should i be using distilled water? Instead of well water. I want to make she shes the healthiest she can be. But she went from a 10 to about a 4 in a 3 week span. Please email me.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 27, 2016 11:37 AM

When can neonates eat?
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 10, 2015 02:20 PM

My rainbow boa is very good she has grown quite quickly but now she’s snivelling a bit
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 29, 2015 02:09 PM