The Broadley’s African house snake (Boaedon broadleyi sp. nov.) is known to exist in four localities in Africa. Boaedon subniger can be found in North [...]
4 Great Reptiles For New Keepers
We offer several of the most popular reptiles (and one amphibian) amongst keepers based on temperament, care, handling, and just pure joy of keeping. [...]
Care And Breeding Of True Red-tailed Boa Constrictors In Captivity
With beautiful colors and markings, impressive musculature, and alluring behavior, true red-tailed boas (Boa constrictor constrictor, or “Bcc”) are on [...]
Eastern Indigo Snake Care Sheet
While they may require more maintenance and investment, Eastern indigos are one of the most intelligent and rewarding snake species a passionate herpe [...]
Colombian Rainbow Boa Care And Breeding
Colombian rainbow boas are a fascinating species distinguished by their stunning iridescence and friendly demeanor. [...]
Memphis Zoo Hatches Louisiana Pine Snakes via Artificial Insemination/Frozen Semen
A total of 14 eggs from two artificially inseminated female pine snakes were laid, from the sperm of a single male [...]
Volunteers Needed To Virtually Track Eastern Indigo Snakes
Indigo Snake Watch, the project is aimed to improve the understanding into how reintroduced snakes in the wild move about in their new surroundings. [...]
41 Eastern Indigo Snakes Released Into Florida’s Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve
These snakes were captive bred and hatched at the Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens’ Orianne Center for Indigo Conservation. [...]
REPTA Announces Deleterious Genes Policy
The Reptile & Exotic Pet Trade Association in the United Kingdom has announced its Deleterious Genes Policy, a policy that implores its members in the [...]
Eastern Brown Snakes Don’t Fare Well When Relocated According to Preliminary Australian Research
"We assume that they can adapt very quickly and they are resilient and they can make use of anywhere, but what we are really finding is that is not th [...]
New Colubrid Parrot Snake Species From Brazil Described
Leptophis mystacinus sp. nov was collected in Brazil. The researchers compared the new species with 1,625 specimens of Leptophis spp. using extracted [...]
Snake Education In Your Neighborhood
Over the last few years, real estate development has grown around my neighborhood like a rabid fungus. It has displaced wildlife from their natural ho [...]
Video: King Cobra Devours Smaller King Cobra In Singapore
The king cobra is known as a snake eater, hence the scientific name Ophiophagus (Greek for snake eating) and feeds almost exclusively on other snakes. [...]
Has Keeping Kingsnakes And Corn Snakes In Florence, SC Been Banned?
Reptiles Magazine is waiting to hear back from the city to determine if these non-venomous and popular snakes among reptile keepers is included, as th [...]
24ft Reticulated Python Goldie Passes Away At Florida’s Skunk Ape Headquarters
Goldie was about 24 feet in length and weighed 400lbs, one of the largest captive reticulated pythons. [...]
Scared Of Snakes? There Is No Need To Be
Fear is a powerful emotion. It stops people in their tracks, but it also moves other people to needlessly kill snakes. [...]
Venomous Cat Snake Found In Bananas In New Hampshire
The Ornate cat-eyed snake (Leptodeira ornata) can be found in broad ranging and diverse ecosystems, ranging from rainforests to dry forests and is als [...]
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