North Carolina Aquarium Wants You To Help Name Their Blue-Tongued SkinksThe contest ends August 12, so if you want to participate in helping to name these Australian lizards, head over to the North Carolina Aquarium website.

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North Carolina Aquarium Wants You To Help Name Their Blue-Tongued Skinks

The North Carolina Aquarium needs names for its blue-tongued skinks.

Syd, Mel or Sunny? How about Tili, Bluey or Wiru.

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The North Carolina Aquarium has a pair of female blue-tongued skinks (Tiliqua sp.) and they are enlisting then help of the public to name them.

“These blue-tongue skinks are our newest animal ambassadors and come pretty close to being little dragons! We have an Eastern blue-tongue skink and a Northern blue-tongue skink, the aquarium wrote on its website announcing the naming contest. “Both are female, both are native to Australia, and both species can live anywhere between 15-30 years.”

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The contest ends August 12, so if you want to participate in helping to name these Australian lizards, head over to the North Carolina Aquarium website to choose your two favorite names that they have listed, which are Syd (short for Sydney, Australia); Mel, (short for Melbourne); Sunny, (named after the Sunshine Coast); Tili, (short for Tiliqua); the genus in which the skinks belong; Bluey, (short for blue-tongue); and Wiru, which means beautiful in the Western Desert Language of Aboriginal Australians.

Blue-tongued skinks are one of the more popular lizards for intermediate to advanced reptile keepers. For the most part, they are easy to handle and have interesting personalities.

Name that skink here.