Bearded Dragon

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Bearded Dragon

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Young hatchlings can be housed in an aquarium fitted with a screen cover and a 30- to 50-watt spotlight over a basking area at one end of the cage. Arrange rocks and branches to provide several basking levels. Full-spectrum fluorescent lamps that emit both ultraviolet A and B wavelengths should be suspended over the cage. Perches should be set up so they can bask within 12 inches of these lights. The cage substrate can be newspaper. Young hatchlings should be sprayed with water every day. They should be fed insects every day to achieve optimal growth. Nontoxic plant leaves and vegetation should also be provided as they are a main source of hydration for the bearded dragon. As bearded dragons grow they can take larger food items and more vegetable matter in their diet. Calcium supplements should be provided for good bone growth. For more information, read our detailed bearded dragon care sheet.   Watch the bearded dragon Quick-Care video.


Great deserts of the interior to the woodlands of the eastern coast.


Central, inland areas of Australia.

Scientific Name: Pogona vitticeps
Species Group: 8-to-12-years
Family: Agamidae
Size: N/A
Level: beginner
Weight: N/A
Dangerous: No

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