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Iguana Who Lost Front Legs Due To Being Hogtied Now Eating On His Own

Apparently, someone tied the legs of the iguana in order to sell him, and then abandoned him.

The Carolina Waterfowl Rescue in Indian Trail, NC earlier this month took in a green iguana (Iguana iguana) that was found abandoned with its front le

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The Carolina Waterfowl Rescue in Indian Trail, NC earlier this month took in a green iguana (Iguana iguana) that was found abandoned with its front legs tied behind its back. The rescue reported on Facebook October 28 that the reptile is now eating on its own.

The iguana, named Rally, was immobilized for so long that its legs atrophied and eventually fell off. The staff at the rescue outfitted him with rubber boots in an effort to let the stumps heal over so he can at least walk without pain. The October 28 update on the rescue’s Facebook page details the progress of Rally.

“Rally looks great and has seen our staff veterinarian. He is eating on his own and so far has been keeping his weight steady. He is offered a salad of dark greens and a bowl of herbivore critical care diet that has extra calories which helps him heal faster, the rescue staff wrote on Facebook. “He’s been upgraded to a tank that’s mostly flat so he can get around easier. He is on antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication, as well as laser therapy, physical therapy and daily soaks.”

Apparently, someone tied the legs of the iguana in order to sell him, and then abandoned him. That was when a Good Samaritan’s dog found him.

If you wish to help with Rally’s recovery, you can do so by sending donations to the Carolina Waterfowl Rescue. The details are below.

Venmo cwrescue
Cash app $cwrescue
Paypal paypal.me/waterfowlrescue
or use donations@cwrescue.org
credit or debit cards cwr.networkforgood.com
Checks CWR PO Box 1484, Indian Trail, NC 28079
Amazon wish list (Use SMILE at checkout)

Green Iguana Information

The green iguana was one of the first lizard species kept as pets, back when not a lot was known about their husbandry. Thanks to better husbandry and knowledge about this species, these reptiles are living longer lives for those who keep them. They grow large and are for experienced keepers only. They are a magnificent looking reptile and are plant eaters.