Herp Society And Reptile Club Listings

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Herp Society And Reptile Club Listings

National and International Herp Societies and Reptile Clubs

Four Unbelievably Adapted Salamanders
LLL Reptile And Supply Company In California
Field Research Adventures With The Red Hills Salamander

To add your herp club or society to this list, please send information in the EXACT format of the listings below to editor@reptilesmagazine.com.


Arizona Herpetological Association
The AHA is a non-profit organization funded by donations and membership dues. Our goals are to provide education to the public about reptiles & amphibians; foster an environment where people can appreciate reptiles & amphibians as a community; rescue and relocate reptiles that find themselves in harms way
Meeting Date/Time/Place: 4th Tuesday of every month/7:30 p.m./Phoenix Zoo, 455 North Galvin Parkway
Contact Info:  stephen@eguttata.com, (480) 894-1625


Bay Area Amphibian and Reptile Society (BAARS)
BAARS is a herpetological society dedicated to educating the public about these misunderstood animals, and to encourage conservation and habitat preservation.   Captive propagation of endangered species and responsible husbandry is actively encouraged through meetings, a newsletter, and outreach programs.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: 4th Friday of every month/8:00 / Cubberley Community Center, 4000 Middlefield Way, Palo Alto, CA (room M-2 or H-6)
Contact Info: www.baars.org

California Turtle and Tortoise Club, Chino Valley Chapter
P.O. Box 1753
Chino, CA 91709
The Chino Valley Chapter of the California Turtle and Tortoise Club offers a wide variety of interesting, educational and fun activities. The third Friday of each month, we have a meeting at the CHINO COMMUNITY BUILDING (10th & B Street in Chino) from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM where we conduct club business, answer questions, enjoy light refreshments and have an educational program. You don’t need to be a member to attend and visitors are welcome.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Friday of every month/7:30 pm/Chino Community Building, 5443 B Street, Chino

Central Valley Herpetological Society (CVHS)
CVHS is one of the largest herp societies in the United States, meeting monthly in Manteca, Calif.
Members include reptile hobbyists, field herpers, professional herpetologists, specialized breeders, and others interested in reptiles and amphibians. Membership is free. If you have any questions, be sure to contact us through our website!
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Monthly Meetings in Manteca, CA
Contact Info:  www.cvherps.org/contact.html
Website: www.cvherps.org

Clovis Turtle & Tortoise Club
Cen-Val Chapter of the California Turtle & Tortoise Club
P.O. Box 727
Clovis, CA 93613
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Second Thursday of the month/7:00 pm/Del Mar Elementary School, 4122 N. Del Mar, Fresno, CA 93704
Contact Info:  cenval_cttc@yahoo.com; (559) 298-7114

Sacramento Turtle and Tortoise Club
The club was founded in April of 1981 and at present we have approximately 950 members. The dues are only $2.00 a year because it is important to me for everyone who wishes, to receive the newsletter and have a sense of belonging to a club devoted to turtles and tortoises. Of course, donations are always welcome, but not a necessity.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Four meetings a year. See website for details
Contact Info:  felicerood@compuserve.com

San Diego Herpetological Society
Reptile Amphibian & Bug Club
The Reptile Amphibian & Bug Club is a new kind of club – reaching out to everyone with a  passion or curiosity for reptiles, amphibians and all types of bugs kept as pets or studied and observed in nature.  Our primary objective is to create a supportive environment for enthusiasts whether a beginner or life-long hobbyist or breeder.  We are co-sponsored by the leading two non-profit organizations dedicated to these creatures – EcoVivarium and the San Diego Herpetological Society.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Fourth Tuesday of each month/7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m./San Diego Animal Services Training Facility, 5480 Gaines Street San Diego, CA 92110
Contact Info: Info@MyReptileClub.org; 619-760-0578
Website:  www.MyReptileClub.org

San Diego Turtle and Tortoise Society
P.O. Box 712514
Santee, CA 92072-2514
Contact Info: webmaster@sdturtle.org; (619) 593-2123

Southwestern Herpetologist Society
The objectives of the Southwestern Herpetologists Society are to enhance the education of the members and the general public concerning the roles of amphibians and reptiles in the natural world; To promote the conservation of reptiles and amphibians in particular, as well as all wildlife in general; to provide information for the closer cooperation between amateur and professional herpetologists, that they may work together for the promotion of the science of herpetology.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: San Gabriel chapter-Third Thursday of the month/7:30 p.m./Eaton Canyon Nature Center, 1750 North Altadena Drive, Pasadena
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Los Angeles chapter-First Wednesday of the month/7:30 p.m./14409 Vanowen St. Van Nuys, CA 91405
Contact Info:  sshingai@att.net, jjadroit@earthlink.net; (818) 503-2052

Turtle & Tortoise Care Society
The Turtle and Tortoise Care Society was founded in 1990. It was formed to serve the North Orange County and Long Beach areas after the CTTC Orange County Chapter relocated its meeting place to Chapman University. In January 1991, the Turtle & Tortoise Care Society was designated the ninth chapter of the California Turtle and Tortoise Club.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Friday of the month/7:30 p.m./University Baptist Church, 3434 Chatwin Ave., Long Beach, CA 90808
Contact Info:  Corareturtle@aol.comstra@aol.com


Colorado Herpetological Society
Colorado Herpetological Society was formed in 1973 to promote knowledge in the fields of both herpetology and herpetoculture, and to encourage the conservation and appreciation of all reptiles and amphibians in general.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Sunday of every month except for June and December/6 p.m./Room 101 (ground floor on the southwest side) of The King Center at CU-Denver (855 Lawerence Way)
Contact Info:  info@coloherps.org P.O. Box 372567, Denver, CO 80237-2567
Website: www.coloherps.org/


The Connecticut Herpetologists’ League
We specialize in reptiles of CT and Natural History. Although we cover anything Herp related. We do some annual field trips locally and occasionally to other countries.
Contact Info:  herpn@sbcglobal.net; (860) 669-6363


Calusa Hepetological Society
The Calusa Herpetological Society of Southwest Florida is dedicated to education, conservation, and enjoyment of reptiles and amphibians
Meeting Date/Time/Place: First Thursday of each month/7 p.m./Calusa Nature Center
Contact Info:  info@calusaherp.org; (239) 728-2390; P.O. Box 222, Estero, FL 33928

Suncoast Herpetological Society
The Suncoast Herpetological Society (SHS) is a not-for-profit, educational, and recreational club for people with an interest in reptiles and amphibians with an emphasis on Responsible Husbandry & Captive Breeding. The Suncoast Herpetological Society is dedicated to education. We provide education talks to citizen’s in the Pinellas County community as well as the surrounding counties’ communities. Each month we have someone speak on a herp related topic at the meeting and on a regular basis we go into the community to provide information giving talks at libraries, schools and environmental education centers.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Wednesday of the month/TBD/Moccasin Lake Nature Park, Clearwater Florida
Contact Info:  iguana@tampabay.rr.com; (727) 942-6700; P.O. Box 2725, Dunedin, FL 34697

Jacksonville Herpetological Society


Georgia Reptile Society
Our mission: To educate the state of Georgia about the wonderful world of reptiles through membership, outreach, and social media. Our children are our future. That’s why the Georgia Reptile Society plans to aim many of its efforts towards educational experiences for children of all ages. We want them to know how important reptiles are to our ecosystems and how special they are.
Contact Info: president@gareptilesociety.org; www.gareptilesociety.org


Chicago Herpetological Society
Our mission: To educate the general public about these frequently misunderstood animals, promote conservation of all wildlife, especially reptiles and amphibians, and to encourage cooperation between amateur and professional herpetologists toward a broader and deeper knowledge of this fascinating field.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Last Wednesday of each month/7:30 p.m./ Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
Contact Info:  2430 North Cannon Dr., Chicago, IL 60614; (773) 281-1800

Chicago Turtle Club
The Chicago Turtle Club was founded over 11 years ago by members of the Chicago Herpetological Society for those interested in the care of pet turtles and tortoises.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Last Sunday of the month/TBD/North Park Nature Center, 5801 N. Pulaski Road, Chicago IL.
Contact Info:  Chicagoturtle@geocities.com; 6125 N. Fairfield Ave., Chicago, IL 60659, (773) 508-0034

Chicagoland Herpetological & Reptile Owners Society
If you’re a reptile / amphibian owner or enthusiast come join others to trade information, tips, and to socialize with people who share your interest. Participate in bulk buys, equipment trades, animal trades and purchases. Trips to events/cons/expos. We will also have monthly (tbd) meetings and events. Whether you have one anole or a warehouse ball python breeding program: if you have a love of reptiles, this is a perfect group for you!


Hoosier Herpetological Society
The Hoosier Herpetological Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the education of its membership and the conservation of all reptiles and amphibians. Membership is open to all interested individuals.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Wednesday of each month/7:30 pm/ Butler University, Pharmacy Building, Room 150
Contact Info:  (317) 873-6561 (Roger and Holly Carter), (317) 865-0464 (James Horton, president); P.O. Box 40544,Indianapolis, IN 46240-0544


Iowa Herpetological Society
The Iowa Herp society was founded in 1978 and has a long tradition of promoting herpetological education. At IHS monthly meetings you’ll meet people who share an interest in breeding and keeping reptiles and amphibians. IHS members have the best opportunity to get the most current information on caring for reptiles and amphibians in captivity.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Saturday of each month/10 a.m./Urbandale Public Library, 3520 86th Street, Urbandale.
Contact Info:  freestyleal@msn.com, ritaj@mchsi.com; P.O. Box 13102, Des Moines, IA 50310; (641) 897-5400


The Kansas Herpetological Society
The KHS is a non-profit 501c3 organization founded in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1974 by Joseph T. Collins and colleagues, designed to encourage scholarship, research, and dissemination of scientific information through the facilities of the Society; to encourage conservation of wildlife in general and of the herpetofauna of Kansas in particular; and to achieve closer cooperation and understanding between herpetologists, so that they may work together in common cause. The KHS is not a herpetocultural organization, but encourages individuals to keep and maintain native Kansas herpetofauna for educational and research purposes.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Annual meeting held at Great Plains Nature Center. See website for details
Contact Info:  Derek Schmidt at dschmidt@ksbroadband.net; KHS Web Administrator Joseph T. Collins at jcollins@ku.edu.


Kentucky Herpetological Society
The Kentucky Herpetological Society is a non-profit reptile and amphibian hobbyist group dedicated to: Enhancing the education of members and the general public in Herpetology and Herpetoculture through the facilities of the Society; Promoting conservation and quality care of all wildlife, herpetofauna in particular, whenever and wherever possible; Providing information for the advancement of Herpetology; Achieving a closer cooperation and understanding between amateur and professional herpetologists so that they may work together towards common goals
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Second Thursday of each month/6 p.m./Louisville Nature Center
Contact Info: will@ectotherms.net, goalie77@bellsouth.net; 2035 Sherwood Ave., Louisville, KY 40205; (502) 361-1824


Louisiana Gulf Coast Herpetological Society
The Louisiana Gulf Coast Herpetological Society, Inc. is dedicated to the preservation of reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates and to the conservation of their natural habitat, and to the promotion of their proper captive husbandry and propagation. The society emphasizes the education of its members and the public in all areas relevant to the appreciation of these unique animals.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: TBD
Contact Info:  info@lgchs.org; P.O. Box 113483, Metairie, LA 70011-3483


Maine Herpetological Society
The Maine Herpetological Society was founded in 1992 to:
promote responsible care of captive reptiles and amphibians; educate members and the general public on all aspects of Herpetoculture;encourage conservation through captive breeding; participate in creating responsible regulation for the importation, possession, and breeding of reptiles and amphibians; share herp related information through the member written newsletter, monthly meetings and the MHS web site
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Saturday of the month/4pm/Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce, 50 Elm St., in Waterville
Contact Info:  dkranich@midmaine.com; 99 Water St., Millinocket, ME 04462;(207) 723-4108


New England Herpetological Society
The New England Herpetological Society, founded in 1972, is a group of reptile and amphibian enthusiasts. Our goals are education, conservation and the advancement of herpetology. Society members have unique opportunities to further their knowledge of and participation in all aspects of herpetology.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: varies/1 p.m./New England Wildlife Center
Contact Info:  neherp@neherp.com; 500 Columbian Street, Weymouth, MA 02190; (617) 789-5800


Michigan Society of Herpetologists
Dedicated to the education of the public on Reptiles and Amphibians, the Michigan Society of Herpetologists and this Website is your link for all Reptile and Amphibian related information for the state of Michigan. We provide several opportunities for members and the public to experience Reptiles and Amphibians around the state.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Varies, see website
Contact Info:  orionet@aol.com; turtlejim@netpenny.net; 321 W. Oakland Ave., Lansing, MI 48906; (517) 321-6105, (269) 729-4623

Michigan State University Herp Club
MSU Teaching Greenhouse
East Lansing, MI 48823


Minnesota Herpetological Society
The purpose of the MHS is to further the education of the membership and the general public in the care and captive propagation of reptiles and amphibians; educate the members and the general public on the ecological role of reptiles and amphibians; promote the study and conservation of reptiles and amphibians.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: First Friday of the month/7 p.m./room 335 of Borlaug Hall on the University of Minnesota, St. Paul campus
Contact Info:  memsecretary AT mnherpsoc DOT com, recsecretary AT mnherpsoc DOT com; 612-326-6516; 10 Church St. SE Minneapolis, MN 55455


Kansas City Herpetological Society
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Second Saturday, every other month/1 p.m./William Chrisman High School, 24 Hwy & Noland Road, Independence, MO.
Contact Info:  mhumphrey@kc.rr.com; P.O. Box 118, Liberty, MO 64069; (816) 468-5609

Southwest Missouri Herpetological Society
The Southwest Missouri Herpetological Society is a non-profit organization made up of people who share a common interest in amphibians and reptiles
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Monthly at Wonders of Wildlife Conservation Education Center see website for details
Contact Info:  swmoherpsociety@gmail.com; SWMHS P.O. Box 432 Buffalo, MO 65622

St. Louis Herpetological Society
The mission of the St. Louis Herpetological Society is to share knowledge within our membership and educate the general public hoping to instill an appreciation of reptiles and amphibians and their importance in the natural world.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Second Sunday of every month (with exceptions for Mother’s Day and Easter)/6:30 p.m./Kirkwood Community Center, 111 S. Geyer, Kirkwood, MO 63122
Contact Info:  uromastyx91@yahoo.com; P.O. Box 410346, St. Louis, MO 63141-0346


Nebraska Herpetological Society
The Nebraska Herpetological Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of amphibians and reptiles, the encouragement of responsible captive propagation, and the promotion of public education and understanding of reptiles and amphibians.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: TBD
Contact Info:  webmaster@nebherp.org; (402) 210-7485 (Glenn Eisel); University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE 68182-0440



Southern Nevada Herpetological Society
General Meetings are held at the UNLV Coop, 8050 Paradise Road, Suite 100, Las Vegas,  Nevada 89123 On the first Friday of every other month.
located at the corner of Paradise Road and Windmill (Exit Windmill from the 215)


Long Island Herpetological Society
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Sunday of every month/1 p.m./Farmingdale University COnference Center
Contact Info:  info@lihs.org; 476 North Ontario Ave., Lindenhurst, NY 11757; (631) 884-LIHS

Metropolitan Herpetological Society
Founded in January 2006, the mission of our organization is to raise awareness about the specific husbandry needs of reptiles & amphibians in captivity, and to educate our community about the diverse reptile and amphibian species that are native to Staten Island, N.Y.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Friday of each month/7 p.m./Blue Heron Park Nature Center, 222 Poillon Avenue, Staten Island N.Y.
Contact Info:  Harvey J. Bird Jr. admin@metroherpsociety.org, metroherpsociety@gmail.com
website: www.metroherpsociety.org

Western New York Herpetological Society
We are an organization of enthusiasts in the Buffalo and Rochester, New York area with a shared interest in herps in the wild and as pets.  The mission of the WNYHS is to promote and educate the public with the best possible information on how to maintain their amphibian and reptile pets in captivity.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Wednesday of every month/8 p.m./Medaille College
Contact Info:  alisha@wnyherpsociety.org; 82 Moulton Ave., Buffalo, NY 14223; (716) 873-2869
website: www.wnyherpsociety.org


North Carolina Herpetological Society
Founded in 1978, the goals of the club are to work to perpetuate the conservation of amphibians and reptiles through education and dissemination of scientific information through the facilities of the Society; to encourage conservation of the wildlife in general, and of amphibians and reptiles in particular; to promote research in herpetology by sharing information among members and through cooperation with amateur and professional herpetologists; to educate the public and members, and to exchange information and resources with other herpetological societies by means of a newsletter and specific activities such as field trips and lectures.
Meeting Date/Time/Place:  Biannual meetings.  Annual Fall Meeting is nearly always held the first Saturday in November, in Raleigh, NC (usually at NC State University or the NC State Museum).  Annual Spring Meeting is held at a different facility (usually a state park, national wildlife refuge, university campus, museum, or nature center) each year, usually in late April or early May. Executive Council holds two additional meetings annually, in January and July, usually in Raleigh. Other meetings, such as committee meetings and various special activities, may be held at various locations, at various times during the year.
Contact Info:  Jeff Beane jeff.beane@ncdenr.gov; 919-733-7450 ext. 754; David Cooper. nvrpetaburningdog@yahoo.com;  919-906-3859.
website:  www.ncherps.org

CCSB Reptile Rescue


Bowling Green State University Herp Club
111 Life Sciences Bldg.
Bowling Green, OH 43403
Contact Info:   BGSUHerpetologyClub@groups.msn.com; (419) 372-8564

Greater Cincinnati Herpetological Society (GCHS)
The Greater Cincinnati Herpetological Society is a non-profit organization geared toward the conservation and education of reptiles and amphibians. We were established in 1977 and continue to grow every year. The Greater Cincinnati Herpetological Society exists to provide for members a vehicle for exchange and sharing of resources, information, and ideas pertinent to herpetology. Our goal is to promote zealously, the welfare of reptiles and amphibians, through example, through education of the public and their representatives, elected and otherwise, and through the encouragement of responsible research.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Monthly meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at the Cincinnati Nature Center / Rowe Woods. Meetings begin at 7:00 pm and typically consist of a short business section followed by a program on herpetology or herpetoloculture
Contact Info: PO Box 14783, Cincinnati, OH 45250   info@cincyherps.com;    (513) 956 – 7536

Northern Ohio Association Of Herpetologists (N.O.A.H.)
The Northern Ohio Association of Herpetologists (NOAH) was founded in 1974 and our primary objective is to provide our members and the general public with accurate information regarding the breeding, care and conservation of reptiles and amphibians through several avenues.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Monday of every month/7:30 p.m./Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Parkway, North Olmsted, Ohio
Contact Info: contact@noahonline.info; P.O. BOX 326, Columbia Station, OH 44028

The Toledo Herpetological Society
The purpose of the Toledo Herpetological Society (THS) is to educate the general public and the organization’s members regarding the ecological role, proper care and breeding, and legal issues pertaining to reptiles and amphibians; to provide an open forum for the exchange of resources, information and ideas concerning herpetology; and to adopt guidelines for the proper care and breeding of reptiles and amphibians.  ( …and to have some fun along the way… 🙂
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Thursday of the month (Herp Demos periodically through the summer months)/TBD/Toledo Natural Science Technology Center – 5561 Elmer Drive, Toledo.
Contact Info:  ToledoHerps@gmail.com
website: www.toledoherps.org


Oklahoma City Herpetological & Invertebrate Society (OCHIS)
OCHIS establishes a forum of communication for all those interested in herpetology. The dispersion of information and communication is accomplished through monthly meetings. OCHIS endeavors to promote the scientific study and conservation of reptiles and amphibians. Regional herpetology is emphasized, however any herpetological subject may be entertained.
OCHIS encourages communication between members and the public to foster a better understanding of reptiles and amphibians.
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in herpetology. Youth membership and participation is encouraged.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Thursday of each month/7 p.m. to 9 p.m./Alternate between the Oklahoma City Zoo and the Midwest City Metropolitan Library
Contact Info:Jostoy1@AOL.com; (405) 737-8331
website: www.okcherpsociety.com


Central Oregon Herpetology (COR Herp)
COR Herp is a group dedicated to sharing information about the hobby of keeping and sometimes breeding reptiles, inverts and amphibians. If you are an old pro or new to the hobby you are welcome to join us. Not sure you want to come to a meeting in person? That’s fine, you are more than welcome to just be a member here on the forum.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: TBD
Contact Info:ilunargecko@yahoo.com

Oregon Herpetological Society
The OHS objectives are: Education- to help members and guests learn more about amphibians and reptiles and to try to make this information available to the general public; Conservation – to promote the survival of native populations by discouraging wasteful collection of animals and habitat destruction; Communication – to help members learn about publications, laws, activities, and problems; Recreation – to facilitate safe and enjoyable meetings, exhibits, and field trips for all who respectfully attend these events.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Thursday of each month/6:30-8 p.m./The Science Factory in Eugene, Oregon.
Contact Info: oregon_herpetological@yahoo.com; P.O. Box 70414, Eugene, OR 97401-0122


Philadelphia Herpetological Society
We welcome anyone that shares our interests and conservation goals. Our volunteers range from professional academic herpetologists to students and hobbyists interested in applied herpetology (i.e. herpetoculture.) If you live, work or visit in Southeast Pennsylvania or Southern NJ, please consider joining our group! If you would like to be a speaker or field trip guide, please contact the president.
Meeting Date/Time/Place:  TBD
Contact Info:  Mark@Herpetology.com; c/o Mark Miller, president, P.O. Box 52261, Philadelphia, PA 19115

Lancaster Herpetological Society
Founded in 2005, the Lancaster Herpetological Society aims to educate people in conservation and care of reptiles and amphibians, through speakers and special events. We are committed to dispelling myths and untruths about our less fuzzy friends
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Friday of each month/7 p.m./North Museum in Lancaster, PA
Contact info: www.lancasterherp.org/


The Turtle & Tortoise Society of Charleston
The Turtle and Tortoise Society of Charleston (TTSC) is a non profit organization dedicated to the promotion of proper husbandry and education about all turtles and tortoises. We encourage the dissemination of information which will aid members in establishing and maintaining habitats which will ensure the health and growth of captive turtle populations.
Meeting Date/Time/Place:  TBD
Contact Info:tortclub@aol.com; P.O. Box 687, Ladson, SC 29456, (843) 871-6606


Sioux Falls Herpetological Society
Founded in November 2010, the goals of the club are to get connected, educate the public, and promote conservation
Meeting Date/Time/Place: 1st Sunday of the month(Except on Holidays) 7pm Augustana College Building GSC  room 101
Contact Info: sfherpsociety@hotmail.com; (712) 212-2227
website: www.facebook.com/sfherpsociety


Coalition of Herp Enthusiasts in Tennessee (C.H.E.T.)
Our goals are many faceted, and our membership is diverse. These things, alone, give us the stance and strength to address many of the issues that responsible reptile and amphibian keepers – from casual hobbyists to professionals – are forced to deal with. This is why C.H.E.T. was formed. Members include reptile hobbyists, field herpers, professional herpetologists, specialized breeders, and others interested in reptiles and amphibians. Membership is free. If you have any questions, be sure to contact us through our website!
Meeting Date/Time/Place: See the calendar on our website – www.chetenn.org/home/public-calendar/
Contact Info: Email – www.chetenn.org/home/contact-c-h-e-t/ Phone – (865) 935-9308 Website: www.chetenn.org



Austin Herpetological Society
The Austin Herpetological Society (AHS) is comprised of amateur and professional herpetologists for the purpose of enhancing experiences with reptiles and amphibians through education and conservation. The AHS was founded in 2002 by amateur and professional herpetologists in the Austin metropolitan area who enjoy reptiles and amphibians in the field and at home. The society is dedicated to enriching the experience of everyone who encounters or keeps reptiles and amphibians.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: TBD
Contact Info: treasurer@austinherpsociety.org; c/o Deborah Sydney, 4500 Williams Drive Ste 212-113, Georgetown, TX 78633; (512) 83-SNAKE
Website: www.austinherpsociety.org

Dallas-Ft. Worth Herpetological Society
The Dallas-Fort Worth Herpetological Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit society. Our mission is to promote understanding, appreciation, and conservation of reptiles and amphibians; encourage respect for their habitats; and foster responsible captive care.  Membership is open to anyone with an interest in reptiles and amphibians (“herpetofauna” or “herps”).  Our members include professional biologists and amateur naturalists with years of experience, as well as those with a beginning interest in herps (either keeping and breeding them, or seeing them in the wild).
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Saturday of each month/7 p.m./University of Texas at Arlington, Life Sciences building
Contact Info:  contact@dfwherp.org; P.O. Box 540892, Grand Prairie, TX 75054-0892; (972) 949-4191

East Texas Herpetological Society (ETHS)
ETHS is dedicated to the education of its members and the general public about the natural history, ecology, husbandry, conservation, proper care and treatment of reptiles and amphibians.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Third Friday of every month/7:30 p.m./The Reptile Building at the Houston Zoo
Contact Info: ethsnews@hotmail.com; P.O. Box 141, Katy, TX 77492-0141; (281) 354-8483

East Texas Regional Herpetological Society
c/o Dr. Neil Ford, Faculty Advisor
University of Texas at Tyler
Contact Info:  Snakebreeders@yahoo.com; 3900 University Blvd., Department of Biology, Science Room 140, Tyler, TX 75799; (903) 566-7202, ext. 7402 or 7249

South Texas Herpetology Association
The purpose of the South Texas Herpetology Association is to promote education and dissemination of scientific information through the facilities of the Society; to promote conservation of wildlife in general and of reptiles and amphibians in the state of Texas in particular; to provide through the facilities of the Society a means for the rescue of unwanted, mistreated, and distressed reptiles and amphibians; to achieve closer cooperation and understanding between herpetoculturists, herpetologists, and the interested public so that they may work together in the common cause of furthering science; to represent the wishes of the members before public, semi-public, and private-policy making bodies at the city, county, state, and federal levels; to promote the captive propagation of reptiles and amphibians in order to relieve pressure on wild populations; and to promote proper animal husbandry of reptiles and amphibians.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Second Wednesday of every month/7:30 p.m./Welding Machine & Torch Repair, 7110 Eckhert Rd., San Antonio
Contact Info:  southtxherps@yahoo.com; 8023 Hill Trails, San Antonio, TX 78250-3008

Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research (SWCHR)


Virginia Herpetological Society (VHS)
Organized in 1958, the Virginia Herpetological Society brings together people interested in advancing their knowledge of Virginia’s reptiles and amphibians. The VHS encourages scientific study of Virginia herpetofauna and its conservation. Education continues to be an important society function.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Meetings are held twice a year. See website
Contact Info:psattler@liberty.edu; Dept. of Biology, Liberty University, 1971 University Blvd. Lynchburg, VA 24502


Pacific Northwest Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 547
Lakebay, WA 98349-0547
(206) 628-4740


Wisconsin Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 55191
Madison, WI 53705-8991
Contact Info: wireptileshows@hotmail.com; (608) 238-2891

Madison Area Herpetological Society (MAHS)
The Madison area Herpetological Society educates enthusiasts and the general public about frequently misunderstood reptiles and amphibians. It is a great source for people to exchange knowledge, from ameteur hobbyist to experts. It also gives a community a basis for expertise on issues dealing with local laws, ordinances, and conservation.
Meeting Date/Time/Place: Second Friday of each month from 7-10 PM at Westwood Christian Church 5210 Odana Rd Madison, WI 53711
Contact Info: http://madisonherps.org/

UW- Stevens Point Herpetology Society.
Our organizations’s mission statement is to educate students as well as the general public about reptiles and amphibians; to share and produce information about the care, handling, and habits of these animals in nature and in captivity; to promote research of herpetology; and to advance a better understanding and acceptance of reptiles and amphibians.We house over 50 live rescued Reptiles and Amphibians. We meet Mondays in The Trainer Natural resources building on Mondays from 6 to 7pm during the academic school year.
Contact: dl-herpsoc@uwsp.edu