
Green Iguana Care Sheet Archived Comments

I am planning to get a iguana, lol.Posted by Anonymous, Oct 27, 2019 03:16 PM My dad's coworker is offering my dad an iguana, he's planning to take i

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I am planning to get a iguana, lol.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 27, 2019 03:16 PM

My dad’s coworker is offering my dad an iguana, he’s planning to take it. I don’t know how to take care of one. I want if but i feel troubled.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 9, 2019 03:53 AM

“I have green Iguana with Rhino like horns. Her name is Licky. She is already 8 years old and still healthy. Her favorite food is squash and bak Choi. I bought her in a pet shop and ever since she was a baby I gave her the whole room as inclosure up until I had to move with her. She is now living in the big cage. She is super blessed pet. Licky even got many prayers from pastors. She is very happy to be here. My biggest joy is when I know she ate food and digested and pooped! All of you who has pets know how healthy your pet is by their everyday routine. I love taking hot shower with Licky. She is very good swimmer. She loves floating, drifting in warm water.
I usually give her a lot of lone-time because iguanas are at their best when let them just be who they are. Licky is very peaceful pet. Even when I handle her she very rarely scratches me. Trust & love can be established between human and Iguana. Licky also loves being petted. Especially on the head. She sometimes would roam around the house but mostly she like to stay in warm spots basking in the UVB & heat lamp area. I think Iguana is very good pet for someone like me who does not have fear of reptiles. I got a nickname of Aunty Dino because of Licky. It is my pleasure to show Licky to kids and let them be more open to nature and be less afraid to different species. I hope one day Licky and I move back in to larger home and she gets back the big room soon! Thanks for reading! God bless!
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 30, 2019 03:35 AM

“I have green Iguana with Rhino like horns. Her name is Licky. She is already 8 years old and still healthy. Her favorite food is squash and bak Choi. I bought her in a pet shop and ever since she was a baby I gave her the whole room as inclosure up until I had to move with her. She is now living in the big cage. She is super blessed pet. Licky even got many prayers from pastors. She is very happy to be here. My biggest joy is when I know she ate food and digested and pooped! All of you who has pets know how healthy your pet is by their everyday routine. I love taking hot shower with Licky. She is very good swimmer. She loves floating, drifting in warm water.
I usually give her a lot of lone-time because iguanas are at their best when let them just be who they are. Licky is very peaceful pet. Even when I handle her she very rarely scratches me. Trust & love can be established between human and Iguana. Licky also loves being petted. Especially on the head. She sometimes would roam around the house but mostly she like to stay in warm spots basking in the UVB & heat lamp area. I think Iguana is very good pet for someone like me who does not have fear of reptiles. I got a nickname of Aunty Dino because of Licky. It is my pleasure to show Licky to kids and let them be more open to nature and be less afraid to different species. I hope one day Licky and I move back in to larger home and she gets back the big room soon! Thanks for reading! God bless!
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 30, 2019 03:35 AM

“My friend needs his Mexican green iguana to be taken care by someone else, as their apartment suddenly ask all pet owners to remove pets, as it is now banned to have pets on their apartment.

The iguana is now 6 years old. Is it still okay to get him from his previous owner?
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 20, 2019 09:24 AM

Forgot to mention my iguana is 26 years old. He should live for at least a few more years
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 5, 2019 05:00 PM

“I have an iguana now for 19 years. He belonged to my exgirlfriend who tried very hard to keep him healthy. She got him as an adult when he was almost three. She had him for four years. She had to move back east to NJ. I was his only option. He is now 26 years old. Never lived in a cage. My bedroom is his inclouser. I open the window to his perch above my bed. He leaves his lights to go out on a deck i built him. From there he has a ladder at 30 degrees to go up on the roof. He loves it. I comes down about feeding times. were he cools down and eats. You must have varoius foods everyday. The only thing i can say is i give him a slice of cheese once in a while. He simply loves cheese. I know its wrong but i love him and want him happy. He uses the bath tub for a toilet. Though you will have lots of accidents. Keep your mirrors covered. they will climb everything and knock everything over. Complete distruction. Ifd you think your ready for an Iguana. Be well advise he just like having a kid I find its hard to go antwhere. especially over night. Its a beg commitment.
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 5, 2019 04:56 PM

I completely agree with you on people should not try to take and catch any animal that they do not have a clue as to how to take care of…If you don’t have the proper lighting your iguana won’t be able to properly digest his/her food and to help with calcium and other vitamin intake. Release that poor creature back into the wild and allow him to be a wild animal…THAT’S IF HE ISN’T DEAD….I PRAY THAT HE ISN’T AND THAT YOU ACTUALLY USED THIS INFORMATION TO YOUR ADVANTAGE…..Its sad that a 14 year is able to care for an animal better than you…very very sad….sorry for the rant to those who read this but I had to and this article was very useful and it has matched up with all the others that I have been reading. Thank you.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 29, 2018 09:01 PM

To the person with a “desk lap” (lamp).. just because an animal can survive a situation does not make it ideal. People like you really should not be pet owners… Honestly do your freaking research and take proper care of an animal if you’re going to keep it as a pet. It’s so upsetting to me watching people treat living creatures like a possession they half heartedly attempt to keep from dying. My houseplant probably has a better quality of life than your Iggy.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 18, 2018 12:48 PM

I’m getting a three foot green iguana for Christmas, and I am so excited. I have wanted one for a long time and finally have the space for him. I’m making a corner of my animal room into his new cage, it will be around five feet by five feet wide and seven feet tall, since I’m over six foot and need a taller cage so I can enter! This article is very helpful. Thanks!!!
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 22, 2018 05:19 PM

I have an iguana of my own I’m 14 an its fully grown I take care of it all by myself an ths article is what I always come back to if I need advice
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 27, 2018 06:04 AM

Hi! I have a wild iguana that lives in my backyard. The area around us is turning into a subdivision. We have a canal and all the bush and greenery will be gone. I really enjoy my green iguana. What can I do to ensure he stays? Thank you.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 11, 2018 08:38 AM

Is there a “smell” or odor I can place in a room to deter a Green Iguana while letting him roam the rest of the house?
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 4, 2018 10:36 AM

Posted by Anonymous, Jul 12, 2018 11:48 AM

“Very informative post. In addition, may I suggest this interactive ig growth chart that I made:

Move slider to determine iguana’s age and you’ll get expected range of STL, weight and minimal cage size (I see that this post recommends even bigger ones and I agree, but this is a bare minimum that should be respected)
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 14, 2018 11:03 AM

This is a very helpful post. Thank you.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 15, 2017 11:12 AM

I ordered from underground reptiles i ordered a green anole but they were out so they changed my order to an iguana I’m screwed
Posted by Anonymous, May 27, 2017 03:07 PM

You are absolutely correct, you are as prepared for a pet as you research it and how to care for it. Keep looking on line for care instructions and I’m sure you will be fine.
Posted by Ash, Apr 9, 2017 12:26 AM

Sounds like he fractured it. probably needs calcium supplement on greens, and get an ex-ray. professional help.
Posted by Ash, Apr 9, 2017 12:23 AM

“I rescued a juvenile iguana, maybe 2 yrs old, from my dock. She was very docile, let me pick her up… she had a distnded belly and malnourished legs. I assumed she was gravid and could not pass her eggs.

The vet agreed with my Dx and are performing surgery to extract the eggs. I asked them to try to save the lizard and the eggs.

I need help in a proper setting for them. What size aquarium for them, best substrate, etc. I’ve raised 2 clutches of frogs, but never lizards. HELP!!!!

Posted by Ash, Apr 9, 2017 12:20 AM

“I rescued a young iguana, about 2 years old, and by all signs, she is gravid and cannot pass her eggs. She is at the vets now, they are attempting to save her and save the eggs.

I need help with the proper substrate for the eggs and care for the mom, who is technically wild, although she was very cuddly with me. I think some part of her realizes that I want to help her.

I have house trained an iguana before, they make excellent house pets once they’re big enough. I think this one might be a bit small, but I’m willing to wait it out.

Posted by Ash, Apr 9, 2017 12:14 AM

how many gallon tanks do adult iguanas need
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 19, 2016 09:34 AM


I live in Florida. My roommate got a green iguana. Not a baby, but idk it’s gotten pretty big. Maybe 3 months old? She has one red heat lamp on a cage fashioned out of an old shoe stand I gave her…. she has covered it with chicken wire, which has already injured the iguana twice on it’s top mouth. The one red heat lamp is left off during the day and run at night for 12 hours. Generally the home is kept at 74 degrees which it only reaches at night–during the day it reached around 78. She rarely picks it up (only at first). She’s left its water to run dry several times for several days. Finally my husband realized this was happening and he’s been trying to make sure the poor thing is fed and watered. I’m quite sure we know more about it than the owner. We now realize she’s effectivey committed a misdemeanor for animal cruelty. And she would be at this moment if my spouse wasn’t taking care of her pet intermittently. But he really is not keen on reptiles though I can tell this particular animal is not the typical reptile. It’s friendly and knows who he is– it’s weird. So here’s what I need to know.

1. Is it legal to own an iguana in Florida? We’re in Pinellas County. How does one make it legal if not?
2. From what we’ve read, one red heat light is not right. It needs UAV light like putting her in a window. And some type of ceramic heat source. (My husband knows more about this than I). How dangerous is it for this iguana to be living off 12 hours of a heat lamp daily considering the interior temperature reaches 78 the other 12 hours (and is in a dark room during the day).
3. The cage I mentioned, shoe stand with chicken wire, seems inappropriate. To give an idea, this show stand is about 15″”x60″”x15″”… and the iguana occupies about 48″” of the 60 when fully sprawled out with tail. What is the appropriate size?
4. All she feeds her is kale and water. Maybe some grapes. How dangerous is this?
5. I read somewhere they smell. Is this true?
6. Lastly, I am concerned for my dog. I read that green iguana feces has salmonella, and dogs tend to lap up poop like its fresh off the Hell’s Kitchen grill. Thoughts?

Any other feedback would be nice.

Posted by Anonymous, Aug 29, 2016 04:48 AM

My mom just gave me lots of money, and will let me buy whatever pet I want, which is an iguana. I’ve read lots of care sheets and have memorised its care requirements. Most people would say it isn’t appropriate for kids, but there’s really no such thing as “beginner pet and advanced pet” or “kid appropriate pets and inappropriate kids’ pets. It’s all about whether you know what you’re dealing with, you’re prepared to care for it, and how dedicated you are to it’s care
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 12, 2016 07:19 AM

“Hi there!

Boyfriend bought an a juvenile about a year ago, his name is George. George is having a issue with his lower
jaw, it looks swollen to me. What do you think this might be? THX, Linda
Posted by LindaKay, May 19, 2016 09:43 AM

Are iguana has stopped moving for the last 2 days is this normal. He is still sitting under the heat lamp and not eating any food
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 17, 2016 05:27 PM

My daughter bought an iguana a week ago and it seemed really happy it was active the last 2 days it has been barely moving is this normal.
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 13, 2016 01:50 PM

“hello sir
I’m Rohit from INDIA
I have one Green Iguana but problem is that
It’s one hand is fully damage so please tell me that what i do with them
contact me on my
E-mail :- rohityadav.yadav33@gmail.com
Posted by rao99530, Mar 5, 2016 12:23 PM

Check out the iguanas available here: http://www.backwaterreptiles.com/iguanas-for-sale.html
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 15, 2016 04:38 PM

I have a female iguana & she always runs from me, I’m always trying to show her love & care & kiss her head also, sometimes she sweet but other days she runs & I could see her heart beating fast. What can I do ? Email me yarry215@gmail.com I still don’t have the uv lights & sometimes her body gets cold so I lay her down with me so she could get wram with my body but today I’m buying the uv lights.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 7, 2016 08:11 PM

Hi… I have had a female when I was a teenager who was an absolute sweetheart as long as no one was under 4 ft high.. (she was mistreated befor I bought her…by kids) she lived a long happy life but is gone now..she never had a cage so I never noticed with her…Now I have a 2 1/2 year old male he if sweet as long as it’s not breeding season lol… but my question is he has an in closer that his vet had deemed fit for 4 grown iguanas and he is alone. And im home all day sitting there buy the couch and I normally open his cage just to talk to him through out the day. Now I have noticed if I do not open the door he will come scratch on the door till I open it then he will calmly go lay back down… is he claclaustrophic?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 17, 2015 01:10 PM

Hi… I have had a female when I was a teenager who was an absolute sweetheart as long as no one was under 4 ft high.. (she was mistreated befor I bought her…by kids) she lived a long happy life but is gone now..she never had a cage so I never noticed with her…Now I have a 2 1/2 year old male he if sweet as long as it’s not breeding season lol… but my question is he has an in closer that his vet had deemed fit for 4 grown iguanas and he is alone. And im home all day sitting there buy the couch and I normally open his cage just to talk to him through out the day. Now I have noticed if I do not open the door he will come scratch on the door till I open it then he will calmly go lay back down… is he claclaustrophic?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 17, 2015 01:07 PM

I had an iguana that I purchased when she was less than a year. She was so friendly everyone loved her. Sadly she passed at age 21. Now I have a male approx 4. I purchased him last year. He’s getting friendly but around mating season he thinks he’s a tough guy. Females are in my opinion are much easier to manage but that’s just my experience.
Posted by Chrissy, Nov 19, 2015 08:48 PM

They cut my post. http://www.greenigsociety.org/careinfo.htm this website is helpful take a look guys
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 18, 2015 07:55 AM

“1- Doesn’t matter how old is your iguana, they will be scare at you, so it will hiss and run way, the best way for an iguana get used to you is: if you just bought, Don’t try to touch them for at least 2-3 days it needs get used with its new home, so you need to slow down and with time the iguana is going to be used to you, feed them normally, and try to feed with you hands, always with slow movements, iguanas doesn’t like quickly movements. Let it licks you it’s a kind of iguana to recognize you. but don’t worry it’s normal the first day they want to run way.

2- Night heat lamp
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 18, 2015 07:54 AM

hi =bonjour
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 20, 2015 07:06 PM

Are red iguanas an actual breed unto themselves or are they green iguana morphs?
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 19, 2015 11:04 AM