Former NHL Hockey Player Jeremy Roenick Removes Rattlesnake From His Arizona Home

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Former NHL Hockey Player Jeremy Roenick Removes Rattlesnake From His Arizona Home

But then he hurls the snake over his wall, which couldn’t have been good for the reptile.

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Ex-NHL hockey player Jeremy Roenick might want to invest in a nice set of tongs, as living in Arizona will have him dealing with rattlesnakes, as was the case November 19 when he used pair of golf clubs to subdue and then pick up a rattlesnake to take out of his garage.


Roenick tweeted a video of him using the clubs to corral and then apply pressure onto the snake’s head, and as a woman in the video, presumably his wife, tells him not to pick up the snake, he does just that.

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“That’s how you catch a rattler, he says, as he hoists the snake up with his gloved hand and gives a close up of the snake to the person shooting the video.

“You are psycho,” the man says.

The next thing Roenick does is disheartening, as rather than drop the snake over the wall, he hurls the reptile over his wall. “Didn’t kill it. Kept it alive,” he said in the video.

Hopefully the venomous reptile wasn’t hurt in the encounter with the former NHL centerman.