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Discovery Channel's Eaten Alive Farce

So, Paul Rosolie, the amateur naturalist who claimed he was going to be eaten alive by an anaconda wasn’t eaten alive, and viewers didn’t

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So, Paul Rosolie, the amateur naturalist who claimed he was going to be eaten alive by an anaconda wasn’t eaten alive, and viewers didn’t get to see what it was like inside the belly of a giant snake, like Rosolie touted. And in fact, the snake that the Discovery Channel producers used in the stunt wasn’t even the same one as the show was portraying in the run up, but rather, it was a green anaconda (Eunectes murinus) that lives in a zoo, according to People magazine. Checking the Internet, it appears that plenty of people feel that they got duped into watching the made for ratings fiction. 


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The green anaconda apparently squeezed Rosolie for about an hour before Rosolie tapped out, suffering some cuts, poor circulation in his arm, and a broken rib, in spite of the carbon fiber anti-snake suit that he had constructed to among other things, prevent his ribs from getting crushed.  The snake only got part of Rosolie’s helmeted head into its mouth before Rosolie cried uncle. Social media went nuts, in typical negative fashion, feeling that they got duped by the entertainment channel, with one saying the title should have been “Looking for Snakes then Getting Scratched.” 

So, did any of you watch this nonsense? I didn’t as I don’t have cable TV, but I did see some bits and pieces on the Internet from the Daily Mail, in the UK and the anaconda shown probably couldn’t have eaten Rosolie if it had the chance, but Rosolie didn’t give it the chance.

Should the Discovery Channel bring back a show like Steve Irwin’s Crocodile Hunter? Could anyone even remotely replace Steve Irwin? Bindi perhaps?