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Desert Iguana References

Desert Iguana References

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Blázquez, M.C. and Ortega-Rubio, A. 1996. Lizard winter activity at Baja California Sur, Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments 33: 247-253.

Carpenter, C. C. 1961. Patterns of social behavior in the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis. Copeia 1961:396-405.

Degenhardt, W. G., C. Painter, and A. Price. 1996. Amphibians and Reptiles of New Mexico. University of New Mexico Press. Albuquerque.

Dibble, C.J., G. Smith, and J. Lemos-Espinal. 2008. Diet and Sexual Dimorphism of the Desert Iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis, from Sonora, Mexico Western North American Naturalist 68(4):521-523.

Grestle, J., and I. Callard. 1972. Reproduction and estrogen-induced vitellogenesis in Dipsosaurus dorsalis. Journal of Comparative Biochemical Physiology 42A:791-801.

Grismer, L. 2002. Amphibians and Reptiles of Baja California, including its Pacific Islands and the Islands in the Sea of Cortés. University of California Press, Berkeley, California.

Hallowell, E. 1854. Descriptions of new reptiles from California. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 7: 91-97.

Harlow, H. J., S. Hillman, and Hoffman. 1976. The effect of temperature on digestive efficiency in the herbivorous lizard, Dipsosaurus dorsalis. Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 111(1): 1-6.

Hazard, Lisa. 2001. Ion Secretion by Salt Glands of Desert Iguanas (Dipsosaurus dorsalis). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 74(1): 22-31.

Hulse, A.C. 1992. Dipsosaurus dorsalis. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 542: 1-6.

Ivanyi, C. 2004. The Desert Iguana. Reptiles 12(10): 30-43.

Krekorian, C. O. 1984. Life history of the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis. Herpetologica 40(4): 415-424.

Krekorian, C. O. 1976. Home-range size and overlap and their relationship to food abundance in the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis. Herpetologica 32:405-412.

Macey, J. R. and T. J. Papenfuss. 1991. Reptiles. Pages 291-360 in C.A. Hall, Jr., editor. Natural History of the White-Inyo Range eastern California. University of California Press, Berkeley, California. 536 pp.

Mayhew, W. 1971. Reproduction in the desert lizard, Dipsosaurus dorsalis. Herpetologica 27:57-77.

Moberly, W. 1961. Hibernation in the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis. Physiological Zooogy. 36:152-160.

Muth, A. 1980. Physiological ecology of desert iguana (Dipsosaurus dorsalis) eggs: temperature and water relations. Ecology, 61(6): 1335-1343.

Muth, A. 1977. Eggs and hatchlings of captive Dipsosaurus dorsalis. Copeia 1977: 189-190.

Norris, K. S. 1953. The ecology of the desert iguana Dipsosaurus dorsalis. Ecology 34:263-287.

Pianka, E. R. 1971. Comparative ecology of two lizards. Copeia 1971:129-138.

Sprackland, Robert. 2010. Pocket Expert Guide to Lizards: 300+ Essential Species. TFH Publications, Neptune, NJ.

Stebbins, R.C. 2003. A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians, Third Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA.

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