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David Beckham Is Afraid Of Frogs

Footballer admits in interview with BBC's Michael Palin that he doesn't like frogs.

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David Beckham, one of the most recognizable sports stars in the world and one of the best soccer players in history is afraid of frogs. That’s right. The master of the football field shared his disdain for the amphibians on a trek into the Amazon rainforest for the BBC Worldwide documentary David Beckham: Into The Unknown, whereby Beckham and two of his friends journey into the forest on motorcycles looking for people who have never heard of Beckham and his football exploits.



In an interview with the BBC’s Michael Palin, Beckham expressed his fear of frogs and then Palin called him a “Wimp” for fearing the amphibians. “You are a wimp, really. David Attenborough would have interviewed it [the frog],” Palin said to Beckham at a Q&A in London.

“I am not a big frog fan. It was bright orange and I was told it was pretty dangerous,” Beckham told Palin during the interview. “I was a little bit nervous about that.”

The frog in question appears to be a dart frog

The documentary airs June 9 on BBC One.

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